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An Act to reduce into one the several acts or parts of acts for regulating Conveyances. 1796 72 (1796)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0018 and id is 1 raw text is: ( 72 )

Jer in  ,etfo, or by
Deeds, V3c. may
he admitted to record
and how.

their own ct',ife perfonally, or by their attorney n fii*&, properly
authorized fpr tbat purpole by letters of attorney, qr by fuch at-
tornies at law as by the rules of the fhicd court fliall be permitted
to manage and.condudt caufes therein.
§ 18. Deeds, powers of attorney or otherwritings, may be ad.
mitted to record in the clerk's office of the court of appeals, he
taking the acknowledgment or proof, in the fhroe manner as if
it was done in open court.
An A CT to reduce into one the feveral as or parts of ags for rcgula.

(PASSED DEcEmnzR 19th, 1796.)
What eonveyanee :  i. BE it enactcd by the general agfembly, That no eflate of in-
fuic,'ent to Pzfs an leritance or freehold, or for a term  of moV. than five years, in
eflate of  inheritatrce                •    •,
. flands or tenements, (hall be conveyed from one to another, unlefi
the conveyance be declared by writing, fealec and delivered, nor
fhall fuch conveyance be good againfl a purchafir for a valuable
confideration, not having notice thereof, or any creditor, unlcfi
tle fame writing be ackicowledged by the party or parties who
(hall have fealed and delivered it, or be proved by three witncfls
to~behis, her: or tlicir acft in the office of the clerk of the court of
appeals, of a diftri& court, or in a court of quarter-feflions, or
county court, in the manner prefcribed by law, or in the manner
herein after direted, vithin eight months after the time of feal-
in.g and delivering, and be lodged with the clerk of Ilich court
to be there recorded.
Covenaits inton-  § 2. No covenantor agreement made in confideration of inar-
jderaion of ma.i- riage, fhall be goQd againft a purchafer for valuable confiderati-
age when  ood  a-   00%
geen rditos - on, not hav.ing notice thercof, or any creditor, unlefs the tame co-.
gainfl creditors, C.    C3ato aib                    h         oudtee
venant or-agreement be acknowledged by the party bound there-
by, or be proved by three witnefres to be his, her or their a&; if
Of land.   land be charged, in the office of the clerk of the court of appeals,
or of a difirid court, or before the court of quarter-fellions, or
aOfpefonaleflate. county court of that county in which the land or part thereof
lieth ; or if perfonal eftate only be fettled or covenanted, or agreed
to be paid or fettled before the court of quarter-fellions or county
court of that county in which flhch party thall dwell, or in the
manner herein after dire&ed, within eight months after the cove-
nant or agreement made, and be lodged with the clerk of fucli
court to be there recorded.
Conv(evrce by  § 3. If the party who (hall fign and feal any fuch writing, re-
on.refidents.  fide not in this common wealth'the acknowledgment by fuch party
or the proof by the number of witnefFes requifite, of the fealing
and delivering of the writing before any court of law, or the may-
or or other chief magifirate of any city town, or corporation
of the county in which the party fliall dwell, certified by fuch
court, or mayor or chief magiftrate, in the manner ijch ats arc
Ufially authenticated by them, and offlered to the proper court to
be recorded within eight months after the fealing and delivering,
fhall be as effedual as if it had been in the laft mentioned court.
Conveyance, by  § 4. When hutband and wife hall have fealed, and delivered
lyband and wfe, writing, purporting to be a conveyance of any eflate or interel
how  to be executed,  g p
if fle appear in court, and being examined privily and apar
from her hufband by one of the juftices thereof; fliall declare t,
.nim that flih did* freely a:nd willingly feal and deliver the -116

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