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An Act for opening a Road from Madison court house to the Hazlepatch. 1794 32 (1794)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0011 and id is 1 raw text is: Comm
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 '3    P. ,  :XXIV.
A ACtfor opening a Road frohm MidifoJ coert bofe  o the Ha.

 ApprotedDecmber m, r.794..
honers appointed, Sec. f. TE it enatedby the Geveral  tflirb~y, that. Robert
B e  .  Barr, Robert M'Gowan, William Irvine, Ro-
bert Rodes, 'and James Barnett, gentlemen, be anithey
powers & duty.  are hereby appointed commiffiqners to receive fubfcripti-
ons in money, libour, or proper'ty, tor'aife a fundfor clear-
ing a road- from Madifon court boufe, to. the I-lazlepatch,.
on the road leading from the- Crab orchard, to Powell's
valley, who IhaU open fubfcriptions on nthe firft day of Janu-
ary next, and continue themopen from 'time. to time, as they
hall be direaed by the county court of Madifon ;'.tie'raid
commiffioners fhall have power to employ proper-'perfona
to view the beft' and mbft direft way for a road as aforefid,
and alfo to take the neceffarymeafuresby contraO or 6ther-
wife to have the fame, or part thereof cut out- and clear-
ed;as Loon asit hialbe prafticable.  Any ierfori.gubfcribing
money, labour, or property, .fhall be bound..to a tFRI com-
fibfcriptions are to pliance when called on by the cominiflioners', and in cafe a-
ny perfon thall fail to. comply  with .fuch fubfcriptibn'when
required, it hall be lawful for the faid commiflioners to re-
cover the faame by Vwarrant, befrre a finglejoftie Wiere it
Ihall not exceed five pounls; and on moti6n, iii tile county
c ourt, where it ihall exceed that fum, upo ngiving, the par-
plevyallowed,  ty ten' tays previous 'notice. Ahi. io replevy fall ,be al-
lowed of goods or eftate taken by execution orjudgments,
Under this a't. '.A majority, of the Laid commi~tonersfhall
have power ,o do any thingyin this ac, permitte4 rire&ed
to be -done by the whole' number.  rid. the' road. hereby
unalterable but Vy cleared ihall be efablifhedto all ifntents.and ptirpofes ,,gn1d ui-
* .* . .    alterable but by, due courfe of l.. Provided that the e-
veal perfons'through whofelafids itt'fliali'run,fhlab  ai
ed the term of feveniyears from th pffag otUis a&t t  e
of ad quodaaarr, out Writs ofAdqubdddrnam,: if the r any   allt
ay be fued oat and to take. thefaftie.:-.. And if thew,            the
mav order o     aid Road, liallt'iotbe m                  mnner h-

titheab1-s t comaplet it. for  d, in a  ble  dti.1H~1 of by ,the coian-
d court- ihall have full power
oi         o     .oiiy as many. male l b6uring'tithea-
bles, of th& couiity alkrieiid, and jfr'.'u ,h miner as iiay be
Titheables fai  ce- jd e       f'   the i. .   a d finilh  6  t  I a
ful     ei howjudgd proper         ropening and   fing th
j~nf-. ever            erfon fo called,'upon, failing to appear w  fucl
.tools, as hehall be direed, orappearingandfailingto bring
*fuch tools, and perform fuch labour as eiaughttodo when
required, thall be fubje& to the lilkefuni and penalties, and
proceeded againft in like manner as delihqudnts falihj'or re-
rrovifi,     ,.   futfing 'to.labour on, a road whd :c'ald uppon.whiqbis, cou-
% ¢y. Provided neverthelefs . that each perfon thriI  ex.

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