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An Act to amend an act entitled An Act establishing a permanent revenue. 1793 19 (1793)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0010 and id is 1 raw text is: C   1 -A    P.     XTIT
I ACT to ameI a:, ai e,.titled   Ai Aa  efhb7ZJ ir Pr-
manet r cnite...-
Approve:t .DX.cenber 2- 'j z79-.
TIEREAS great inconveniencies accrue to perfon       ra
jjU    who hold land -or, lands in feveral counties, from.
t : manner prefcribed 'by the-above recited at for lifling
the fame with tile Cominiffioners.  For remedy- wheteof,

Sec. i.   Be it e4a&d by' tke General Almbly, That it Phal!
be lawful for any perfTh or perfons, to give in     all his
her or their land, lying in this- otate, to the commilfioners
of the tax in which he ihe or they fhalltrelide, Ipeclijying
the quantity of acres in each trad, and the county in whicli
it liei, and the land; b.given in fhail be as effectually fe-
cU'.d fro -a fofeiu;'e as if they had been given, in- Lo Le
comaiiffiu.ners of the difftt, in which they lie.
Sec. 2. A't.tbe it fii .-:.er e.wa6?e-4  That the lands lih th15
S:ate fhall be divided into' three clafles, that is to fay, firff,
lecond and third rate,  4 he hirlf rate land fhall be elhftfrd at
three fhilliags, fecond rate land at- one fililling and fixpence
tnd thiid rate land at nine pence per hundred acres, and
.i' the fame proportion fr a greater orleffer-quantity.  -And
liil   he ricn lantis in Fayette county iall be coiifidered
as the fiandard of firli rate land.
Sec. 3. XIi.l hbe it f ht:er enaeat'k That it flhall- be the- di-
t;.' ot LhC comn iffidners, w'hen they receive an - hcotilit of
1:[flds from  any perln, and enter      fame   un  ihr liit
ta afcertain to ih beft of their know[edge the.re of e-
iery tra&   or- tras  of land fo given in, and- note ir their
lilt whether it is firlt, fecond, or third rateO
Sec. 4. I be it .futher e:49ged, That the     616-,,in
ikfle fhall be ohfi-rved by the faid'commfilIioners In rating a-
iy tra& of land; where the greater part- of a t-a&falh
ill their opinion, be fuperior in point of qualiky-to'eeond
rate land, it fiall be den minatedfirftrate; wh belegreatei
p'art of a trat thall be inferor fo firft rate  and ftierioi'
to third' rate if point .f 'ualiy, it fhalt be denoiliated: feq
c'rid rate ; and Wherd thd-greater - part of -a &ra& of-land
Ihall be jiferior tor fecond rate, it flivl1.'be denominated
t6',ird  rate lum*i-.  And whi&e, any' cpmiffionr has -no
kio vledge of any tra&  of land given-fi;f and' isunalble to
fty with certdity in what clafs fuch t-a& ought to b6
placed, it Ihalf be lawfilt for fucli cminiiflioner to-receivd
i iformatibn on oath from  the owner 6r afiy other perfon,
c-,1-cerning tie quality-6f ffich land, and place if ii- that
clafs tat. Ihfll appear to hii to bejuft- foili   if  a
tiu nIrSe.

Per-tons  may   lift  all
t h e i .  l i w s   m~ i t i  'e
CMffiri410.o,C o' he :F.
Li-'t il whichj Llei' live.
Lands clA~rC.
Stmr4ard ot hrft rate
Cnmm*(Po-nev's duty in
claiug lads.

[,' A-

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