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An Act concerning executions, and for the relief of insolvent debtors. 1792 40 (1792.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0008 and id is 1 raw text is: Governor to provide a feat
at the public charge.
The device,

C   H  A   P.   XXXVII.
An ACT    to prsvide a Seal for this Commonweahb,
A1pproved December 2o, 1792 .
B)E, it enated by the General .4embly, That the Governor be ermpowe
i. and he is hereby required, to provide, at the public charge, a. Seal
this Commonwealth ; and procure the fame, to:be engraved with the folio
ing device, viz. Two friends embracing, with the name of the State oi
their heads ; and round about them, the following motto, ' UNITED

C   H   A   P.   XXXVIII.
An ACT to provide for the improvement of the bi{ted of bofe,.
Approved December 20, 1792.
Preamble.                TJHEREAS, many of the inhabitants of this Commonwealth, who kei
AV breeding mares, fuftain great damages from (tonied horfes being fuffei
ed to run at large without inclofures, and the breed of horfes, is muc
injured thereby ; 1br prevention whereof,
Any perfon may take up     Suc. 1. je it ena7d       il, Geneal     ,by, That if any floihed   ar
any floned horfe more ball be found running at large out of the inclofed ground of the owner c
than one year old, running  keeper, more than one year old, it flall and may. he lawful for any per
at large.                foen to take up fuch hloned horfe, and give notice thereof to the owner c
If now taken away and fe- keeper, and if fuch owner or keeper thall 'not take away and fecure   th
cured,                   fame, allowing him  9ne day for every fifteen miles he may refide from fuc
may carry the fame before taker up, the taker hp (hall carry the fame before the next *Ju4fice of th
Juftice.                 peace within the county, and if it appear to fuch Juftice that the faid flon
Who (hall have the Yame  ed liorfe is m. ore than one year old, he fhall iffue his warrant to fomne per
gelded                   fon :(killed in he bufinefs to geld fuch Roned horfe, and fuch perion ma
Fee to the gelder.       demand and receive five (hillings for his trouble, to be paid by the take
Faker up to take care of up, and fuch taker up fiall take 'Care of the horfe fo ,gelded, for which h,
faid horfe.              may demand and receive of the owner or keep'er, two dollars including th,
His allowance therefor.  price paid for gelding., and moreover receive fix pence per day from  fuct
Owncr or keeper for every day' he thall keep fuch horfe after he is gelded
Proceedings Where the and when, the owner or keeper of any ftoned horfe, fo found running al
owner &c. is not known, large, is not known, the    taker up (ball carry the fame before a Jufiice.
When to carry the horfe who fhall caufe the fame to be appraifed and dealt with as is by law ree
before the nextjuftice.  quired in taking up a f(ray horf, mare or colt of the fame age; and more-
Over for two weeks caufe a particular defcription of fuh appraifinent to be
fer up at the court.houfe dbor or plaee of h olding courts, and moft publiq
places in his neighbourhood for two weeks, for which he (hall be'entitled
to the fame reward as is allowed in cafe of taking up any other ftray horfe,
mare or colt; and if no owner appear to prove his property within that
who 11111 havethe fame  time, lie may take the fame before the next Juftice of the peace for hil
gelded.                 county, who diall cauie the fame to be gelded, as is heretofore directed; and
Fee to the gelder.       the pcrfon gelding fuch h'oned horfe fliall be allowed the fum  ot five fhil-
Nie  to the taker up.   lings, to be paid as is heretofoie required; and -the taker up two dollars for
When the property veied his trouble for curing, arid all reafonable charges; and if the owner does
in the taker up.        not appear and    prove his or her property within one. year, the, property
hill be vetfed in the taker up, neverthelefs the former owner way at any,
time within three yeairs by provihig his or her property recover the valuation
Repedling claufe.          SEC. 2. So much of C'eiy Act or Acts as comfes within the      purview
of this Act, flall be, and-the fame is hereby repealed.
Commncement of the                 Ti SE. 3' This Act (hall commencie and be in force fim  and after the
frft day of March next..

C   H   A   P.     XXXIX..
A4 ACT concerningexeeuios, and for the relief oe infolvtnt debtorr.'
Approved December 20, 1792.
tr. I.     E it enaaed by the General .flmrbl, That all perfons rccover-
B    n ig debt, damages or cofis, by the judgment of any court

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