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An Act subjecting lands to the payment of debts. 1792 24 (1792.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0007 and id is 1 raw text is: ltuchafers (hall not pay
Ifor their improvements.
?'owers given to the Ti uf.
,Commifflioners to fell lots.
To rezeive 5 per cent. for
their fervices.
Their powers.

who have improved any lot or lots (hall hold the fame, without paying any
confideration for their improvements and (hall only be fubject to pay the va-
lue of fuch lot or lots, which value fhall be fixed by the Truatces or a
majority of them, at any time after the adjacent lots are fold.
SEC. 2. The Truf'ees fhali have full power to point out and lay off
the two acres allotted  for the Court.hcufe ard    other public buildings-
as fbon as pofflible, and to make any other regulations and alterations in the
plan of the town they may think right and proper, but (hall not make any
alteration of thofe lots that are improved fo as to injure the inprovcments,
and the Commifloners appointed laft fcflion of Affembly are fully empow-
cred to fell the whole of the lots laid off in faid town, or any part there-
of, which they may think proper, except thofe which are improved, and alfo
the balance of the lots to make up one hundred acres of land whenever
the Truflees may think proper to have the fame laid off, and that the
faid Commiffioners flhall receive for their fervices for felling the lots and
collecating the money five per cent on the whole amount, and the furveyors
fees for laying off the lots, and they flball be empowered to fell the lots
on twelve months credit and pay the money to the heir when he flhall ar.
rive at age, with intereft.
SEC. 3. And be it further enafled, That the Truflees arc not, in any
cafe, to fell the lots or receive the money.

C   H   A   1P.   XxI.
An ACT    to amend an Aa regulating the town of Lexington.
Approved December 17, 1792.
VleonofT utiees when SEC. I. [' E it enaled b, the General zfrembly, That the election of Truf.
to be.  'J                           tees for the town ot Lexington, fhall annually    be held on
the firfi Saturday in January, under the fame regulations and exceptions as
is directed by the Act entitled  An Act for regulating the town of Lex-
ington, except that inflead of the Sheriff holding the election and miking
return of the perfons elected to the Clerk of the court, all elections for any
3y whom condufled.    Truftees for faid town, fhall be held by one of the late or then acting Titif-
tees, to be ap4*ointed by their Board for that purpofe. • Ten days previous
Tobe advertifed.       notice thereof fhall be advertifed in the moft public places in faid town by
the Chairman of the late, or of the then acting   Truftees, and the return
To be recorded and by of the perfon or perfons fo elected, (hall be made to the Clerk of the faid
•whom.                 Boardl which thall be recorded in their books.
SEC 2. And be it further enaled, That all deedc, conveyances, rales and
D3eels made by former contracts made to or for any lot or lots in faid town by a mijority of any'
Truftees valid.        Trufltees heretofore in office, (hall be good and valid in law,  And fo much
Repealing claufe.       of the laid recited Act as comes within  the purview of this Act (hall be,
and the fame is hereby repealed.

Commencement of the aft.

Lands made fubjeft to the
payment of debts,
Joint aflions may be bro't
againft Execttols &c. of
any decedent.

SEC. 3. This Act (hall commence and be in force from         and after the
paffage uiereof.
C   H   A   P.   XXII.
An ACT fubjeaing land. to the payment of debt,.
Approved December 17, 1792.
SEC. I.   )E it enafled   by the gceral fl mbly, That lands, tenements
Bi    and   hereditaments, [hall- and may by     virtue  of   Writs
of Fieri facds, be taken and fold in fatisfaction of all judgments in a thar-
ner herein after prefcribed.
SEC. 2. The fame actions which will lie againft executors or admini-
flrators may be brought jointly againft them, and the heirs and devifees of
the dead perfon or both, and flall not be de:layed for the non-age of any
of the parties.
SFC. 3. The Clerk from      whole office a Writ of Fitr faeias fball ifFue

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