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An Act more effectually to prevent persons dealing with Slaves. 1792 20 (1792.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0006 and id is 1 raw text is: Mime.
Court when and where
to be held.
Jufl.ices to Atpoint a Clerk
and fix on a place to hold
nd to erell public buil-

Sheriffs of Fayette and
Bourbon to difirain for
officers fees &c.
Courts of Fayette and
Bourbon to have cogrIi.
zince &c. of all fuits de.
pending therein.
The county of Clarke to
have 2 Reprefentatives.

County Court of Mercer
to have power to admit
the will to record.

C to
MafQn county to the head thereof; and along the faid line a-direct courre.
from the head of Licking to flrike the neareft part of Cumberland moun-
tain; thence alohg the laid mountain fouthwardly to the prefent line of Bour-
bon county at the head of Kentucky ; thence down the fauie to the bigin-
ning, thall be one diflinet county, and called and known by the name of
Clarke. A   court for the faid county of Clarke (hall be hcld by the faid
Juf~ices thereof on the fourth Tuefday of every month after the faid divi-
hion fhaill take place, in fuch manner as is provided by law in refpect to
bther counties, and as fhall he by their commifions directed. The Juflicce
to he named in the commiflion of the peace for the faid county of Clarke
dhall meet at the houfe of John Strode in the faid county upon the fift
court-day after the (aid divifion fhall take place, and having taken the oaths
pref'cribed by law and the Sheriff being  legaly qualified  to aiL', the Juf-
tices flall proceed to appointtand quili'y a Clerk, and fix upon a plaze to
hold courts in the faid county at or as near the center thereof as the fi-
tuation and convenience will admit of, and thenceforth the [fid court (hall
proceed to ere&   the public buildings at fuch place; an(d until fich build-
ings be compleated, to appoint fuch    place  for holding   courts   as they
may think proper ; Prvided always, that the appointment of a place for e-
recting public buildings and of a Clerk thall not be made, unlefs a majority
of the Juflices of the court -o the (aid county concur therein, but fuch appoint-
ment fhall be poflponed until fome codrt.day when a majority fliall be pre-
fent, but the court may appoint a Clerk pro tempore, it (hall be lawful for
the Sheriffs of the faid counties of' Fayette and Bourbon to c'llca or maka
difirels for any public dues and officers fees which fhall remain unpaid by
the inhabitants thereof at the' time fuch divifion fhall take place, and flhall
be accountable for the fame in like manner as if this Act had not been
made.   Arid that the courts of the laid counties (hall have jurifdiction in all
actions and fuits in law ot equity which (hall be dep nding before them at'
the time of the (aid divifion, and fliall try and determine the fame, iffue
procefs and award execution thereon.
Szc. 2. Until an    enumeration be made agreeable to the Conflitution,
the faid county of Clarke fliall be entitled to two reprefentatives, the refi-
due o.f the County of Fayette to eight reprefentatives, and the refidue of the
county of Bourbon four reprefentatives.
C    H    A     P.    XIII.
.in A C T   concerning tbe la/i Wilh and Tejlamnt of IfVlliam  Harris deceafed.
Ipproved December 6, 1792.
yj HEREAS, it is reprcfented to this prefent General Affembly, that Wil-
t Viiam Harris departed this life on the river Ohio on his paffage to
this Commonwealth, having made his laft Wil and Teflament in writing,.
and that Anne Harris widow      and relit of the (aid  William, hath fince
fettled h.-rfelf in the county of Mercer, with a confiderale i)art of the eflate,
whereof the faid William died feized and poffelffed, and as the law at pre.
fent flands the faid Will cannot be admitted to record, or letters of admini-
firatioei w:th the  ill annexed gran~ted, altho' the faile be immediately ne-
Sic. I. Be it therefore enalled by the General Afitmbly, That the county
coort of Mercer is hereby declared to have full power and authority to re-
ceive and admit the faid will to record, and 'to grant letters 'of admifiration
in due form, in as full and ample a manner as If the (aid William Harris
had died in the (aid county of Mercer.                                 

Petfons prohibited from
dealing with flaves under
sertait  reftriftlons, •

C    H     A    P.    XIV.
tin ACT more e taually to prevent perfons dealing witb Slaves.
Afpproved Decmber 6, 1792.
SEC. I.       E it enafled by the General ./4fmbly, That no    perfon whatfo-
B    ever flball buy  fell or receive of to or from  any   flave any
coin or commodity whatfoever, without the leave or confent of the mafter
or owner of fuch flave in writing, expreifive of th# article ro permitted to

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