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An Act for regulating the fees of County Court Justices. 1792 15 (1792.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0005 and id is 1 raw text is: Every  pefron  appolited  to  patrol and faiin  Iit do 'a  duty, iail for. fenaity on Patr1 IaiiiiD
feit and pay two dollars for eOery ftidi fiilure, -which -lil be' afsitsed ol- to dohis dutyi
jected and accounted for as othei finesi are directed id be afsefsed collected
and accounted for.

S    , . So much of every act br' :lcts as 'd ii ithiii 66 e jiriview of
-this act %all be and the -fame i6 hereby repealed.
Sic. -4.. This act.fhall commence and be in force frn irid ititei the pafsage

Rep~1lng claufe.
Commencmdnt of the 4i,

'CI    -A  P    VI.
.in A CT fi'r 'regulating the fr o f Oi , hy cout ui ei
I I    .  Iprvo, d-Dic. L7; 1792;
Sc. '. YHEREAS the allownces heretofore dradi t6 tohe County Cdurt t
W    )uflices, are Iniidequate to theii fervlb's: Be it ihtr'fore enah. Preafiiblt,
od-by the Oener i blv, That the folI6~ving al1bwan~s; fhall bie niad'e 46 the
Juftices :of the Couity Courts in each Courit , to b.paid by the* party, at
whofe requeft the bufinefsihall be done, iMd vhich (hall be taxed if the bill of .  ftides t
cofis and collected'by th Sheiff or Cnftable  ili ner, as o terdebts or By whom
executions are, or ought 'to be collected:, and ac'co6'nte. 'o  fao ifluing avar'ant Whit fees
fordebtnine pence; for 4 fummoils 'for a 'imefs in any tafe fix pence ; for reicct.
judgmerit one (hilling; for recordmnWjdgment arid flingpapers.ne [hilitig: ,for
Kfsuing exec~ution and recolrdiif Ithe 'etirn one fhilling ; foi i dertikcati bf a
oath nine peSe, for pfling afray oe (hilling ; for ifsuing  n attachmnit one
(hllin'g., tking bond oiie fhilling nfid fix pence; for ihiiin' ,a 3lamttons againflt
G;imilhee one: hillin ; fdr exa iiing a Garnifhee and taking fchedittle of -ef.
fects one fhilin  fo  ahi order of  al o n      nfilling; for a
Copy of a judgment and othelrpapers rdative the'et6, 6ne hilling and fix pence;
fir-a pc'ace or 'fearch wari'ant bne Ihillirig aIndtthreepe'Aqe; for attending to take
depofition; or on an arbitration :for fhiitgs for -each day ; ?ur takihg fpecihl
bail one fhilling and fix pence ; for a warrant to apprehend a felop one (hilling
and three pence   fora €o mm  t o66 (hilling a'ildth' ien -. Proviida, lW
That.n6 Juffice hall be entitled to any fee or fees for any procd's i'fsue'd i n,
'rminal ptofecUtioh before the fane can be colUected of the perfdns charged if
convicted. For' ter) ifyihg a Powe  :o atttoihreey o Fafiybthei infrltment -6 writing ori
'(hlirg; for ektamirihg a rjn-away 'flave ;iiid 'erfildat&:thet'6f one 'flhitidig and
three pence; for a Hue and Cry and. efcape warrant one (hilling and thtei
pence; fo re-taking recognizance onefhilling miid three pphce.
S.C., 2. dud bt it further ehiaed, That each Jufice fhali fro tiiie t ime; jui'to
keep a fair re ord'. of Of his- proceedings in a bobk (6 be. by him kept foi tha't'
-pprpOfe;, and .n. Tuftice lhall tai :in  the bill df. cofis, ari, fee for' mrc thi
three fummonss tor witnefses to each party in any one fuNt.oeef

'Se. 3'   ,fnd bj it furtbe, inaIted, That, the AcE paed la6 Sef6ri entitikid
An. Act: regulatiig the fees of County: juffice's. f'hall be, .and the fame. is
hereby repealed,
$Pc. 4.   And' this   Act thallt!t ommence 'arid be in force, frd  and after
tb; pafsge -thereof.'

4 aitd~edfe__ee,
paid and hoe
and for whal

keep i record4'
more than $

Repealing claufe,
Commenceient ofthite

C    H' Al'.         VII.
dn ACT    io atnnd an Pa entitled di, /At fdr .ablfijing  a Land-ie.
SE.1. EipprQvel .Dictnbbr 2a,- 1792..          .     .   .       .
84 1-    E t enafled bj the General AtlTqokly, That all Caveats againft The mode of proeedin,
.  ifliig of grants on' furys thiat now  ate  or May on caveati,
hereafterbhe 'etUrned into tihe Regilelfs. ofice,',fhaHl b; enitered 'and ddtceramined
in the fame manner as is directed by -thelaws tow ih force, provided that.
tbo court of Appeals aid the ourts of Quarter feffioris in- the, feieral codri- Court or sppe.l1. n&
ties: (hall' have, c 'ncurreht jirilfdiction bf all 'fudh Caveats,' andt, par ty cn- courts of quarter fefflone
tqring the fame, fhall 'within fifteen days thirefte r 'turn an att4eifd ,-'6  to have concurrent jnrifo
py thereof to. the office, of- the. Clerk of te' coitat wherein' he ime$ns to' ditio.
pt'fecutc 'the fame ; whereupon iuch procsvdings ihall be had as was here-

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