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An Act to regulate and discipline the Militia of this Commonwealth, and for other purposes. 1792 5 (1792.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0004 and id is 1 raw text is: (5)

C   H   A   P.    IV.
/n ACT     eon&'rn;ng ile Connlioners cjthe Counties of Logan and Scott.
A4pproved December oyh, 1792.
Xjr/IIEREAS Young Ewing and David Flournoy, Efquircs, Commifloners Preamble.
t   within the Counties of-Logan and Scott were appointed by the Courts
of Lincoln and Woodford counties previous to the divifion of the faid coun-
ties of  Logan and    Scott, whereby they are compelled to return copies of
thwir Books to the Clerks and Sheriffs of the faid counties of Lincoln and
SEC. i Be it enatted byt5e Genfrall/defmby, That it fliall be lawful for, and the faid
Young Eving and David Flournoy are hereby required to return copies of Commifoners of Logan
their books as copmmiffloners, to the Clerks and Sheriffs of the Counties of anA Scott counties, to
Logan and Scott, infiead of Lincoln and Woodford ; and if the faid Young whom retarn copies of
Ewing and David Flournoy have made their returns to the Clerks and She-
rifFs of lincoln and Voodford, the (aid -Clerks and Sheriffs are hereby dircft-
ed to give up the books fo returned to them, to the faid Young Ewing and
David Flournoy, % ho fhall return them as is by this ac direaed.
SEc. 2. So much of every acq or aiqs as comes within the purview of this act, Repealing claufe.
fliall be, and the fame is hereby repealed.
C   1-1  A  P.    V.
.fn ACT to regulate and dlipfline the Militia of thh Commonwetahh, and for
ot/; r'pofes. .1W
-pproved, December to.
Src I.          HEREAS, an A& paffcd laft fellion entitled An A& for
W~  .regulating the Militia of this Commonwealth, is found Preamble.
inadequate to  anfwer the purpofe-iptcnded thereby. Be it enaIed by the
Ceneral ,4enmbly, That the faid recited %'lvft [hall be, and the fame is hereby
r ealed.
Src. 7. Be it ena, ltd, That all* free male perfons within this  State, ParCons to be enrolled foz
bvtvccn the ages of eighteen and forty.five, (hall be enrolled and  formed militia duty.
inio companies agreeable to the laws of congress, extept the Judges of the Exceptions.
Sup-erior Courts, Speakers of the two houfes of Affembly, Treafurer, Au-
ditor, Attorney.General, Secretary, Ilegifier of the Land-office, Infpe1ors of
tobacco, all profetfors and tutors of public Seminaries of learning, the pub-
lic Printer and fuch as are neceffarily employed in his office, Miniters of
religious focieties licenced  to  preach according to the rules of their feet
vho have taken the oath of fidelity to th. Commonwealth, keepers of the
public Jails and public Ho(pitals, and perfons concerned at Iron or Lead
works, or perfons folely employed in repairing or manufactoring fire-arms.
All appointments of officers of the Militia, fhall be made in the manner Appointmeat of Oficerg,
prcribed by the  Conftitution.; Provided nevertbclefi. That no officer fhall
be appointed who hath not been an inhabitant of the State one year next
before his appointment; and every officer before he enters on the executi.
on of his office, fhall tke the following oath or affirmation, viz.  I, A. B.
do fwcar (or affirm) that I will be faithful and true to the Commonwealth Oath to be taken by them;
of Kentucky fo long as I continue a citizen thereof, and that I will faith-
fully execute to the beft of my abilities, the office of'          accord-
ing to law ; which oath or affirmation may be adminiftered by any Juf- By whom adminifqredl
tice of the peace within the county, and by fuch Juftice cerrified.
SEc. 3. The Governor vircommanding officer of the State, (hall from time to
time make fich alteration in the bounds of divifions, brigades and regiments ,oundstered.
as to him fhall feem neceffary, and [hall appoint any officer or cfficers that how alteted,
may   1c nectff~ry in ccnfcquence of fuch alteration. Commanding  officersOfBattalionshowaltere
of battallions fhall make  fuch  alterations in the bounds of their batta-
lions as they can agree upon,     for the convenience of the feveral corm-
panics and neceflity ni-,y require, and alter the bounds of any company; and
torm  new on.,3 where J  may be necelTary, wid in cafe of difagreement be-
tx\ten tle faid commanding officers of battalions, it (hall be determined by
the cominandtig officer of the regiment. Proved bowever, That no batta- Provifo,
lion flall confit of more than five companies if convenient; Neverthelefi,
Nothing herein contained fliall be conflrued fo as to affea thofe battalions,
11                             which

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