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An Act appointing Trustees to tell a part of the Lands of Timothy Peyton deceased, for the payment of his debts. 1792 36 (1792.6)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0003 and id is 1 raw text is: r 36 ]

6n any perfoi tkng up
a liray and failing to corn
ply with the requifitions
of the law.
Pounds to he made at
cot ty court-Ioufes for
the i'ception of flays.
Penalty on taker up railing
In pit f(hay in the pound.
J1u1i1ces to appoint a per.
Ion to take caie of the
Commencement of the af.

SrCT. 6. And if any Frfon tkVg up a f;.y lorfe, marc or colt, and nof
carrying the fame immediately betore a Jtill;ce, as herein (irccted  or  ny
other ,tray, and failing to caufe a p.ticul. r defCription thereof to he givenf
to a Juffice in the manner 2afrefaid in ten' clays after taking tip the fame,;
or failiiig to advertife in the public Gyzctre any ffray within the time and-
according to the direction's of this act, lh.l.l for every fuch offcnce foifeit
and pay to the informer the fum' of t:.n dolLirs wuh   colts recoverable be-
fore any Jufaice of the coun'y where fitch olfence flall be' committed.
SFCT. *.   ind be it fzotter          rlmia, Tkl the JuILiccs of tlie .County
Courts of each County within this Si:,te, (hall caufe a Pound to be made
at their reflective Court-houf.'s within three months after the patlrig of
this Act, with' a good and   fufLcint fn'c  , gatd, lock and key, where all
flray o-lorfes, Mares and Colts fhall be kept on tle fi' day of every Court
for fix Courts fucceftlvely, after the fa'ne ii taken up, from  twelve o'Clock
til four o'Clock the fame day that the owner may have an opportiniiy of claiming
his or their property, and every perloni takii.!g up fuch fifay, \% ho thall fail to put
the fame in the p :'nd an'! to c nzintuv there as aforefaid, flall forfeit and
pay to the informer the hi'm  of Ten d dliars with colts recoverable  before
any Jultice in the Countvy. where fuch offmlnce flall be Committed. And the
Juflices of the County   Cn,- ts flita1  :ppoint firme perfon  to take care of
faid pound and keel the fir.e in repuir, whore duty it lth.ill be to attrnd
at the (aid pound on the feverai court lays during the times fuch flrays are
directed to continue theftin with iiite key of the faime ; and the faid Jufli-
ces (hall caufe th'C exMf. a tending the erecting and keeping the faid pound,
together with a rea!onadlc allowance to the perfun taking care of the faMe, to
be paid out of the county levy.-
SFcT. 8. This Act fliall conimence and be ill force friom     the firflday
of July next.

c   1-1, A  P:    Xxvr.
.11n ACT   appoinjing Trtu/ees to/lell r pat oj the Lands of Timothy Poyton de-
crafjd, fo  tke pa. icnt of his d,'bis.
A'Orovd, June ;(), 1792.
SECT. 1.     X, TH EI R E A S, Tinothy Peyton of the Cuinty'6f Bour.
VV      ban, died fom  time in the year of our Lord .'one
tioufand feveh hundrd and eighty. feven, and it is reprefented to this lPref;nt*
General Affembly, that the flares and perfonal crate of the faid decedent is
not more thn adequate to the payrn( nt of Iis debts,, which if fold and ap.
Preamble.              propria,:?d to this purplf)e would op,'rate di dvatitateoufl, to the orphans of
the faid decedent  which may be remedied by v'flince a    1ower ii Commif-
fioners to fell fo muth-of the ri~al eilate as will difcharge the faid debts ;',
and Sarah Peyton executrix: of the faid eltarc, hiving   petitioned this Af-.
fembly that an Act may pars for that purpofe.

Their dtytv.
'o demand of the execu.
to~s account of all debts,
and fell to beft advantage.
]Report their proceedings
to Bot!:bot) Cou tt.

S-cT', 2.  Be it iherefor'e enm.-d hV the GCneral IfjT:-M , That Ja'tfii Ger-
rard, John Allen and John Waller, Gentlemen Ihal] be and-are h-reby appoint-.
ed'Truflees for the followving putpofes, that is to fay, they or any two of
them  (hall imm4hiately upon the receipt of this A'ct, deniand' of the execu.
tors' of the faid Titmothy Peyton. deceafd, an accurate account of all the debts
which (hall be due from his eflate and upon receipt thereof, fhilA   proceed.
to fell in fuch manner as to them    (hall feem  molt advantageous, fo muctI.
of the lhnds belonging to the faid ellare as flall be ftifficietir to difctarge
the aforefaid debts. Provided, The faid Trullees, in    confequence  of the
powers hereby given them, fhall not f1ell more than one third of the lands
of the faid' etlate nor any part of the tract on which, the faid    Timothy
Peyton refided at the time of his death.
SECT. 3. The faid Truffees when they have performed the truft repofed
in them by this Act, (hall tnake a fair flatement of their procecdcins ilere-
in, which having Lcen examincd .and approved of by the Court Of BJ3urbon-
County, fliall be recorded therein, and thenceforth the faid 1-ruftecs flhall be-
difcharged from the f4id truftI

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