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An Act for regulating the Militia of this Commonwealth. 1792 28 (1792.6)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0002 and id is 1 raw text is: All unrettied accounts to
be Iod,;ud witl the AtdI.
tor to collect and fettlUe.
Warrant to flue on tiea.
firy to anv peifio havingr,
eevrnnds for diunis &c.
Qt ictuE

SzcT.  /.   4 ./ ,,,1 ]? it 1,t.  r.?, Th.it it fiail tie thc duty of every'
County Licutenant or cinaindling tfiicer of a County, who may have id'
his poffe(lien by virtue of his offce aay u, f-ttded ar.ounts, receipts or vonch-
ers.whereby it may appear there i5 any mony due fmn      any perlon, to7
lodge the  'rme with the Auditor of publ'ie accounts, who ffhall examine them,
rcquire an explanaiion from  the (,li:er if he judges it necehrary ; and take:
the proper lc.il Reps for col!ccting and finally fculing the fame; and when
it (flail appcr that there is due to any perfon  any nioney for drums, fifes, colhurs,.
arms or repaiing of arms or equipfntCts aut iotlid by law, the Auditor flhall fet-
tie fuch demands and give a warrant on the Treafury ftur the fame; the
Auditor upon the receipt of fuch vou.:hers, accounts and on final 'ettle-'.
nients (hall give fuch  , li :.cr a quieius re.iting his fettlencnt and fuch cir-
cunflances as he may think prup-;.

C   H   A   P. XIX.
A1n ACT fr re.,!da'in th;! Mi/tia of this Comm, :taltb.
pproved, Jlu-te 28, 179-2.
SECT.          E    i*',e      d, by 6e G4jr..  u!,iy, That all free male per.
..  lbas bztkveen th,: a.,cs of eigiten' and forty-five, except'
the Judges of the fu:icriar Cotrts, S mak,.rs ot the two houfes. of Aenihly,
Wha Pe, fons exempted lrcafnrc , Attorney (cn:ral, Aud:6or, Secretary, Regil.er 6f the Land-64..
flom militia fel vice.  fice, lnfjeaors of To-acco, all pro;,dICrs aod itt'ors of the public  Seminar.:
ries of learning, all Miaifters of the G(',fql licenfi'd to preach according to
the rules of their fect, wlto have  takei the  oath of fidelity to the Corn-
monwealdh, keepera of the public Jai!, and public IHflital, Millers of grjf1-
mills etilabliffhed, and per (~ns concerned at Iron o'r Le.,d -works, or perfotis
folly emTploy(ed in ropairing or  tnaiufacturing  Fire-armns, and  all, pczfonsO
wh. n.ly are or hereafter may   be exeirpted by the laws of congress,, all
of Whow flall he exempted frorm   the  obligations of this act, fhall be en.
rolled and formed into companies aorceableh  to the laws uf congress..
Smci;. 2.   ,d be it further enacie,1, That all appointment's of Officers of
Officers fiail be jppo*nted the Militia (fill be wade in the manner prefcrihed by the Contlitution  The';
P.s di-ecced by the Cotti. Captains and Subaltern3 fhill he vLectcd thy their, companies when a major.
turion.                  i'y concur therein.  Provided nvveriht.! f, That no Olflicer of a regiment, battailion-
C,;p ais and f,balterns, or company fhall be appoiated wio hath  not. been  an inhabitant of the
how elected.            .State one year nex  befOre his appointmn, and before hie or they enter ....
Who ineligible,          the CecUtioa of their rei'ective olicec, fliall take the following oath, to wit.
SI, ~A. B. do folemnly fvear or alflrin (a§ the care may be) that I will'
I he oath to be takcn.   be fEithtul and tru: to the Communwealih of Kentuck'y fo long as I (on-
t'nne a citizen thereofu, and that I will faithfully execute to the heft of my
abtilijes the office Uf          according to law ; which oatli or aflirmation.
1-bw adniinifteied,      n,.y be adininitlered by any juffice of the peace within, this- Commonwealth and
by them certi:icid.
SECT. 3.   R I it fitrhL  ena.7'i., i'iat the Commandig officer of a re-
giment in cveiy county Ihali from   time to tinre as lie lhail deemn it neceffa-
Comr0and-1ing cf-cers to  ry, appoint ail ofRlcr and fo many men of the miitia as to him lhall ap-
aUpui t patrol.        pear tceiiary not exceeding three, once in every nonth or oftener, to pa-
trol and vilit all negro quarters, and other places fupected  of entertaining:
u llay.ful a4Tembiies of Slaves, Servants or other dEforderly perfins as afore-
faid, unla%\fully afemb!cd together, or any others fl'rolling about from  one
Si ive., 11%.rvanws  c, tn.  ph,1ntation to another, witho~ut a pat's froin his or her matler, miflrefs or!
latvrlt eor a ufniPcd,  owner, and &arry them  bcfore the nii..t jufice of the peace- w ho it he (halI
i          fee cautl?', (hall, order every fuch Stave, Servant, Stroller or other dilorder-
lo' to be pun:f, hed.   ly perfon as aforef,id, to receive any number of' lifhes lie may think pro.
If one Coillaly (if parol, pcr not exceeding twenty on h's or he, bare' back.;' .and in cal  one com.
t_,; jh 1ot fuflielerit,   ore pnny of Pa:rulers (lhal not be fufflcitnt, to ord'cr more companies for the'
v'v be o rdeied.        tlie purpofe.    And after cvcry Patr:.l, the oti:er of each party flall re-
Officer of pat ol to male t,; i to the captain of the company to which he belongs a report in writing
lepoit, on oath.         uAn oat  which oath the captain is hereby empow'ered to adminifler, of
to: nanes of thoil  of hii p-ity who. \kere upon duty, and of the proceed.
~it'!'  of fuli Patrol: and ftich captain fhall once in every fix months make-
r-iur:i to the faid conailand~n  officer of th,: regi.ncnt by whomi they thall,

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