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An Act establishing a permanent Revenue. 1792 9 (1792.6)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0001 and id is 1 raw text is: C 9 )
. A C T for e,A&   hng a Tow, at Poofrd Court' hou e.
pp'rovd '&le 26, 1792.
SCT.      XJ. 'iHLREAS it has been reprefented to the prefent General.
I.  1I.  V     Affenibly, that  the place fixed *upon by the JuflRces of
klt cotritv'of W66fff6rd for hold'ini Courtm and the erectioh of public buildings,  ja &lj .
is the property of HzekiA9 rifcos wh6 is aAt infant, thett a Town has been
Iahd of contiguous. thereto, and that 7obn Briftoe, Guardian to the faid He-
1kiab has given his 0ffeit that oie hndred ic¢res, iticluding the fquare of
two acres referved for -public buildings, and the fame now laid off for a town*
rqay by a law b6 Vecfted in Truftees, fo r tile purpofes aforefaid.
'S .cr. 2.  Be it etawqed b, Mhe Generhil ,9V01tyi That the faid '0ne hun. One -hunded ,cr.ei 6f
dred aeres of land fhall be, and the fame is hereby veled in 7obn IF'atkinsi land vcftsa iiirrutees
Sihard 21'oig, Ca~t ;:Y:ab, Marquis Calvj!r, Richrd Fox, ,ohn Coik and   a
Pvirmtnds Br;cde, Gentlemenr, Truftee for the purpofe of a fown, and C- A:C-   to't6be' KtbMiAd
Aablifhed is ranch  by the w-aam  o0f Verfaillis, mnd that the f'aid Trufh.es 6r, lruafee, to iak ofilottfi.
ani ihiree 'df then, have' 'full po'Xer to lay off the fa=6 into lotts and firects, ,and fl reet's &c.
dirpofe of the lotts id adopt Juch. iules and regulations relfecting the fame, To make gules &C
as !ti th'em ihll faerm juft and reafnable; to execute deeds of conveyance To exectite deeds to put-
in fee fimpli (6 the p6rchafers, and alfo to the. Juiticeb euf the county of the cha'ferei'.
land refefivel for thie public buildings-.
S E:'r. . Saviig hoiivr Id all perfons, Irud bodies p6litic and corporate riavingths rights of petfon
oilier than thofe claiming under the faid Hezkiah, all legal or equitable righti claiming any part thereof
Which *they hnay lia,'e 'o the faid one hundred acres or any part 'thertof.
SEcr. 4.  revide3 neverieitfe, That Richard rou2 g        Wa      ; Gen. provifo.
'demen, (hall be appointed cormmiffioners to lil the lotts in  the   afrefuid Coniflioner to ris.e
Town., and eceive the troey arifing from the fmae, and pay the amount         l theo       onfaW
With lawful. intefeft 'to the heir when lhe ihalt arriX'e at age, and that the .countable for the faml.
fa;.d 6omnmiffioners fo 'appointed, thall -give bond. and fufficient fecurity in the Cummitrloners to give ft.
Court of the county for the faizhlul, perfrfrniance 6f their dthy  bfi:e they curi(y.
Vroceed to act.

C   H    A   P.   VI.
h ACt labfi.ing a perinaent Rv'.nu-u.
,lfprov4 Yhnnu 26, 1742.
-T ...  .  ~ hE iiii' .ied by  be General. ,femMy, That there Maill be paid
•  -e-r   .   W ithirti'.,Is Stati thd followighty-txeg;  4o bvery handred
icies of land id t6 iii proportioii fdl  A -reater or fialler quaritiry two lii.
ilqgs; fo'r very flave bx cet fuch as have beri dr: ny be exenipted bkr the
1oudt  'Codrt fiedth 'h6 paniedt df taxes, off arcbttt of age oi infirniity,
1W8 thilitiigs , for i:'ery  Iobrfe, rfifi   colt or mtile; eig~hc Icnbieekcept fok
*e8i6'iif9 hbrfeg; abid 'f6r bv i'y co%.-ring horre, the  'urn  whiclt fr.'h hoffe cd-.
Vei  bnk  tiale die f~afno, Which rate or fum    the ovner (hall hose ddwn
wheii li deliirers in hi's lift of fjro prty to the commimfohiers  for every head
df cattl , dliie pthte i alfo ik ihillings a wheel ou6 every coach br chairibr;
f6i ill 6iei i'iding catiiges' with four whedls except thofe ufed for the pure'
pbfes 6f agrictlturi-, four Ihillingi a wheel; and for all other Hdirig   carria-
ges with two wlieels'in .hillingt d wheel   alfo teihi podds for every billiard
table; alfo.three pounds for evdry     ordinary licenc.e; and alfo thy   fuin 'of
ten pounds for every ietail fiore wvithin this S'ate; which flid takc   fha!l be
paid' annully in tlfel iInnet liereift after directed.

Subjects and ritei gV taA.,

. E   ! .  Th.re fbaill b  ippoinred in each couhty witllin this Stii,  'oper' ommi noners to 16
ptrfons to be cdrdimiffl3ners for the pul'pofesi harein after medtioried; that s to fay'- pointed in each coun
for the eointy bf Mafod thre, 'for the county of Bourbon three, fdr the. Appoo  oned amo
,                      otffirenc counties.
county of Fa,'ete three, for the 6ounti. bf V/uodford three, for the conty
6f Jeft, ed fwo, for thdi county of. Ntlfon four; tor.-the count 6f Mercer
three, fof the Iount of L'inoln four, f,;r t',F cedfity of -Madifon  three.'
Etch commiflioner fo appointed thal take i'c roilmvin#, (ch or affirmation  tote.
befor, fome magifirate of his county  'for;. h'6 beg;P. t; ixercife th6 duties Fonm of th e oath
of hi. office.  I 1,' A. B. do fo emily f  (.  (or affirm  as the cafe may be)
(lit as commiffioner' for            co'unt), ; will to 'the heft of my fkill
4tdjudgdient  dilignO',- .q  .ttfully execute the duties of the faid office ac-
I                                                                   cording

0 $p4

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