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An Act to appropriate money for obstructing the navigable streams of this State, and to authorize His Excellency the Governor to expend the same, or so much thereof as may be necessary. 1862 54 (1862)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0539 and id is 1 raw text is: 64               PUBLIC LAWS..-STArE DEFENSE.
Apdamiculn, ChattahoAchee and Flint Iivers.
'''.Ibhy them, (producing their voucehers il] filing theui,) for the dis-
1'.. b ursement Lof the same ; and they shall pay into the Treasury any
Ad r,,,,,dun(explndel balance of said :ppropriation.
' r;. pe  r. S'(. V. Be it /'o;rtr  ad That either Doard of Commi-
SHiomir bv hereby nuthorized to fill any Vacancies that may occur.
'r1%.     Assented to December J) , 1 SG;:.
(No. iS.)
A silt'icfial -1t tin md and f-7;1la1;   tilithd n Ac to
(pploprialnc t/ sum  or/111 i  thousand dola, .s towards obstrurctin
Apalachirola, Chiatitoawrbre Ind F61in I1;vrrs. and to 1ppinflt Om--
m1issioners to receire aInd Jurrthe unme, apIploe-d 18th Nermbehr,
. 86:!.
G. SxxrrioN I. Dr it evarted by the Genuerl As.enddUl' of* Gtorgia,
Ajo *tsThat the said Commuissioners are hereby clothed with full power
hr      and authority, if a mn ajority of each Board sh1 all concur therein, to
dishurse the whole or any part of the uis of money in Raid origi-
nal bill for the obstructing the Chattahoochee nd Flint Rivers,
towau rds constructing defences on, or placinw obstructions in, the
Apalachicola Iiver ; and such  inms of money as the Commission-
ers for Flint Inay concur in, having disbursed oin the Apalnchicola
River, they shall pay over lo the Con i inonIIrs for tile Chatia-
hooclev and Apulachicola RZivers, who shall have the disbuiciniui,
of tho 8a0t1e.
7. Sipe. 11. l4 it fjurthr nltud, That the sai Contissioners
Elv v'f-shall have tle right to receive voluntary contributions of lahor,
ti.    money, provisions or other Iroperty, whilcl aly pel'oni may desir
to give fir the purpose aforesaid, and shall disburse the sonue, and
W11 or  shall keep a correct record Of all their 1-:nnsactiols. subject to tlhe
wandiIson. inspection of all persons i terested ; and they  re hreby clothed
May appoinwith full authority to appoint agents, and superintelndentfi and
...  tr. lreasurers, reimtoyable at the pleasure of a Ialjolity of each Board,
and may r'quire ond and good secliy fm sAnn i p'rsons SO ap-
pointed, for0. tle fhithiul disharge ot tMuir diuties; and upon a
breach of' said hond, nuit shall Ie instituted theruion, nd the
amount of dawniges which inty he recoverid thereon shall, after
the payment of xplnses, he paid into he T0easury of this State.
Asseite.d to December 2, 1862.
(No. 49.)
An Act to pprpTrinic mo1/or Astructing the navigabl sirtirs (f the*
state, and to a1uthttorize His E'.ir/huIRy 1/1C G-o0rnor' to capend thA
sane, or so muoch thrc'j as iay hr wecessary.
so   1. SECTION 1. Te Gneral Assanty 1  tdie /a/c of Georgia do
WOWrins cnact, 1 hat the sum of five liundred thousand dollars, or to much
x     thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby placed at

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