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An Act to incorporate the town of Warrenton, in Warren county, and to provide for the election of Commissioners for the same, and to amend the charter of the city of Atlanta; and for other purposes therein mentioned. 1859 210 (1859)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0500 and id is 1 raw text is: LOOAL AND PRIVATE LAWS-Crms AND TowNs.

Sc. 1. Commissioners : Qualifications; Sm. 8. Billiard tables, &c , taxed; Mows,
Superintend'ts of election, &c.     &c. taxed; Proviso; Retail It.
 2. Oath; Day of election, &c.            cefl5O &c.
. 3. Corporate limits; Jnrisdiction of   9. Powers and privileges of Con-
Commissioners, &c.                  issioners.
 4. Commissioners .J. P. for town;    10. Persons rsident in town exempt
Warrnfs executed by Marshal;       from road duties under Stato
Majority of Commissioners moay      law.
decide on violation of this act,  11. Power of Mayor and Council of
&e. &c.                             A Itlota over streets ad alleys
5,. Officers; Salaries; Bond; Oath.        Atlanta, &-.
  . Poll Tax; Taxes; Proviso; Prop   12. Grading and drainge.
orty to be given in under oath;  13. Pavemonts and side-wlks.
Tax Digest. &n.                14. Retnil license: Not to exceed Q300.
7. Collector shall by the 12th of   15. Lottery tickets.
April, pay to Treasurer all moo-  16 Bank Agencies.
mey received and take receipt,  17. Itinerant traders; Proviso.
&c &c.                         18. State reservation.
(No    211.)
An Act to incorporate the town of Marrenton, in, W~arrcn county, and to
1wo,'ide for the election of commiissioners for the sai(t', and to amiend toe
charter (f) the city of Atlanta ; and for other 1andprosv therein C-
1. SliC. I. Bo it enacted, 4e., That witin sixty days after thle
pasage of this act, all free wliitc persons citizens, residing in the
corporate boundaries of said town of Warrenton, who shiall bc en-
titled to vote for members of the Legislature of said StatCe, re
hcreby authAorized to meet at the Court-House and vote for five
Quttc~,.persons to serve as Commissioners, tenl dlays notice of said election
huirctollaving been previously given by thc Commissioners nowv in office
under the old act of incorporation ; and all persons entitled to vote
at said election shiall be eligible to thle office of' Commissioner;
three freeholders residing in said town shiall preside at said election.
Ssp t~or~as Superintendents, nieithier of whiomi shall be a andidate, and te
s,     five persons receiving the hiighest number of votes s1aall be declared
0. by said Superintendents duly elected.  Before the S perintendents
Vt5Iul.t take their seats they shiall take tile following oath: All and each of
                                    1.   oter  tckts
us do solemnly swear (or affirm) that we wvill falithfully superintend
1            this day's election; that              Sae are freeholders; that we will not kow-
ingly perttit any one to vote unless we believe he is entitled to (1 so
by law, nor knowin,gly prohibit any one from voting whio is enititled
by lawv to vote; and thaft wve will give certificates to him or themi only,
whom we shall believe and adjudge toiave oreceivettiete ianst mh-
ber of votes, after carefully and duly countingthe same. The Super-
intendents shall give to eac of the five persons receiving      t he igi-
cafetsest number of votes for Commissioners, a certificate of' election;
o       certificate shall be signedt  by each n one of the Superintend-
ents, and these certificates shall be evidence of their election and
auth ority to act, and they shall be held and esteemed os the high-
est evidence of such election.
uWarrenton incorporated 1810, pain. 39, 40; charter amended to11, paio. 10te7.8
also 11, pai . 30; also 18b5, pam. 65; also 1838, pamicplet 11. Preventing slaves,
&c., from keeping eating houses in 1857, pawphlet   elc.


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