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An Act to levy and collect a tax for each of the political years 1850 and 1851, and thereafter. 1849-1850 376 (1849)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0367 and id is 1 raw text is: SURVEYOR GlUNERAt-TAXES.

be eligible to the office ofState's Attorney or Solicitor Gen-
eral in any Judicial Circuit in this State, who has not been
a resident of the District for one year immediately preced-
ing tlic time ofthe election.
SECTION 2. Be it further enacted by /he autlority qibresaid,
That all laws and parts of laws militating against this
act be and the same are hereby repealed.
Approved, January 17, 1850.
AN ACT to repeal an act approved on the 23d December,
1835, entitled an act to authorize and empower the Sur-
veyor Generil to record all plats of surveys made on head
rights belbre granting the sarie.
SECTION 1. BeC it CNictcd by ite Senate and Ilouse of Rep-
resentatives of the Staic of Geo)gia in General Assembly met,
and it is hereby enacted by the athority of the sams', That
the above recited act he aid thn sime is hereby repwaled,
and that the Surveyor General hll0 not he required to re-
cord any plats ofsurveys on head iights until the gfinting
of t 1) s;me.
Src'Iov 2. An.d br it fuirtherenacted by th anthorisy a/;resaid,
That all laws ald parts of laws mnilitatilg against this act,
be and the some ae hereby repealed.
Approved, February 11, 1850.
AN ACT to levy and collect a tax fhr each of the political
years 1850 and 1851, and thereafter.
SECTION 1. Be st enacted by the Senate and Ilousc of Rep-
resentatires oi the Stoc of Geogia in General Assembly net,
and it ?s hereby nacted by the  athorit! aioresaid, That
an act entitled an act to levvy and collect a tax lre a tch of the
political years eighteen imniolbted atld iorty-eight and nine,
passed by the lIsit General Assem bly, he and tlie saome is
hereby re-enacted and made of thine lbr the political years
1850 and 1S5t, ald [Ir each year tlwrenaler till tepealed.
SECTION t. And be i/ jir/ther  iacted,  atE ench and
every iale citizen beitwcei tii 1gs oft %% enty-ione lld sixty,
be taxed ainonai ly the sliln) ofI vilt-li'Iv cIents only.
SECTION 3. And be il firier cimut/l, T'Lha t eact I and ev-
ery fiee negrotor firee terson of color iin this State, bttween
tie ages of (iglteeni anld fifty. dh:ull be taxed annually the
Sum of five dollars.
SECTION 4. And be it further enacted, That from and after


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