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An Act to incorporate the town of Cassville, in the county of Cass, and to repeal all other acts and parts of acts appertaining to the incorporation of the same; to make certain the corporate limits of the same; to point out the duties of the commissioners to be appointed for the government of said town; and for the appointment and regulation of patrols; and for the preservation of public property, shade trees, and so forth, and for the prevention of encamping; and for the prevention and removal of nuisances; to regulate the working of public streets; for the suppression of fights, affrays, riots, and disturbances of the public peace; for the appointment of a Marshal; Marshal to arrest affrays, and so forth; fines and penalties to be paid into the town treasury; for the appointment of a Treasurer; for the regulation of the residence of slaves; and for taxing shows and exhibitions; and for the taxing itinerant traders, and to prevent their stopping in said town for the purpose of disposing of their goods, wares and merchandise, unless paying a tax therefor; requiring commissioners to make a report at the end of each year. 1843 94 (1843)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0330 and id is 1 raw text is: 94

AN ACT to incorporate the town of Cassvillc, in the coun-
ty of CaLss, and to repet all other acts and parts of acts
appertaining to the incorporation of the sain ; to make
certain the corporate limits of the same; to poiLt out the
duties of the commissioners to ble appointed lor the gov-
eminent of said town; :ud fbr the ippointment and regu-
lition of' patrols; and fio- the preservation of public pro-
fperty, shade trees, and So tirth, and fir the prevention of
encatuping; and fo6r the prevetion anl(d removal of Luli-
sances; to regulate the \\ orkiug of public streets ; fbr the
suppression of lights, a ifrays, riots, and d isturbaI ices of
the public peace; lor theippoinitilcnt of a Mainrshial ; Mar-
shal to arrest atfflys, a1d so fo th ; lines aund penalties to
be paid into the town treasury; for the appoilitmenlt of a
Treasurer ; for the regulation of the residence of slaves
and for taxing show and exhibitions ; m1l for the taxing
aiLnerant triulers, mid to prevent their stopping ill slid
town for the purpose of disposing of their oods, warcs,
and merchandise, Luless Jmying a tax therolbr; requiring
COmiss11i1ners to make a report at the end of each year.
Sec. 1 . He it cnacted iU the Snate and liuse of Rrescnt-
tie's of the State of Grgia, ill GIcrd A mbly met, and It is
hcreb  naicted by theiuthoritU of the smne, That Saimtel Mor-
gan, Williun Latimer, Thomas A. Sullivan, G eorge U. Rus-
sell, and Julius M. Patton, and their successors in oflice, shall
he ad they are hereby made comnmissioners of the town of
Cassville, and shall have full power nd authority to pass
all by-laws, rules and regulations uwhich may be necessary
for the government of said town, the good order and health
of the same.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted by the authority a(fresaid, That
the said colmmissioners shall continue in oflice until the so-
cond Monday in January, eighteen hundred and fibrty-five;
on which day, and on the second Monday in January amnu-
ally thereafter, all the free white citizens of said town, who
shall be entitled to vote fbi members of the General Assen-
bly, shall assemble at the Court House in said town, and by
ballot elect five other commissioners, who shall continue in
ollice one year, and shall be re-cligible ; and that said clec-
tion shall be helid by any Justices of the Peace, or Judges
of the Inferior Court, or one of each, or one of either, togeth-
cr with a freeholder in said town: Provided, that in the
event of there being no election of commissioners of' said
town, in the inanner and at the time herein pointed out, the
commissioners elected for the preceding year shall continue
in office and remain the commissioncrs of said town until
their successors are elected: And provided also, that in the
event there shall be no election held at the time and in the
manner pointed out, the commissioners of said town may,

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