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An Act to authorize free persons of color to hold real estate in the city of Darien. 1839 217 (1839)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0304 and id is 1 raw text is: SLAVES, 0. &

or more than fifty lashcs, for cvery time he or she shall of-
fend, to he inflicted by any constable within the limits of
the counties afbresaid.
SEc. 5. Aui he it jhrther enacted, That the Justices of the
Poace in each county afiresaid, shall have jurisdiction an(
cognizance of all and every infraction or violation of this
act, by any slave or frce person of color.
Sic. 6. Ald be itfirther enacted, That it shall be tile duty
of the constables of said counties, in case any slave or free
person of color shall violate the provisions of this act, to ap-
proboind such slave or free person of color, and take him or
her belbre one of the Justices of the Peace of the counties
itforesaid, whose duty it shall11 be to hear and determine
upon the guilt or iniocence of such slave or free person of'
c0lor, and in tihe event of conviction, siall direct the consta-
ble, VIose duty it sh1illt be to inflict the punlishmInenit pointedi
out in the 4th section of this act ; and the cost and legal ex-
pense of said trial, shall be paid by such free person of'
color, or by the owner or manager of such slave, so com-
mitcte(d as albresaid.
SEC. 7. Aii be il filr/her enacted, That all laws and parts
of laws inilittiig against this act, be, and the same are
hereby repealed
Speaker of' the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
Assented to, December 21st, 1 83).
AN ACT to authorize free persons of color to hold real es-
tate in the city of Darien.
SEonos 1. Bc it enacted by the Senate atvd Iiousc of Rep-
resentatives !/' the State o/ Georgia, in General Asseibly met,
and it is hereby ciarted by the a uthority of the sane, That
from and after the passage of this act, it shall be lawful fbr
any free person or persons of' color, in the city of'Darien, to
hold real estate in the uinie of fiis, her or their guardian, in
trust, however, and fbi the only use, benefit and behoof of
any such free person or persons of' color.
Si.a. 2. And bc it j/t-her enacted by the authority of the same,
That all laws or pari.s of' laws Inilitating against the pro-


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