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An Act to incorporate a Rail Road Company, to be called the Talbotton Rail Road Company 1838 181 (1838)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0297 and id is 1 raw text is: RAIL ROAPS.

To incorporate a Rail Road Company, to be called the Tal-
botton Ril Road Company, for the purpose of construct-
ine a IRil Road communication from the city of Macon to
Talbotton, in Talbot county, and thence to Columbus, or
sich other point on the Chattahoochce river as said Com-
pany may designate; also a Company for the conEtruction
of a Rail Road cointimunicat ion between the Flint and Oc-
mulgce Rivers, on or near the dividing line of Houston and
Dooly ciinties.
SECIoN 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep.
resentatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met,
and it is hereby enaced by the atihority of the same, That
fbr the purpose of constructing, keeping, and using, a Rail
Road, from the city of Macon to Talbottoin, in Talbot county,
and thence to Columbi us, or to such other point on the Chatta-
hoochee river as the Cmipay mav designate ; the subscribers
for the ci pital stock hereinafter mentioned, and their associates,
succe-sors and assigns, shall be a Iiboidy i orporate. with perpet-
unl tucce-sion, by the name and style of the Talbotton Rail
Roul Compa n , and by said corporate name shall be, and they
are hereby iade able and capable in Law and Eqit', to have,
purchasc receive and convey, hold, and retain, to them  and
their successors, all landk, tenelients, heredit amnicts, goods,
chattelk, aid leflcts, of  ltatsoever kind, nature, or quality the
same may be, sullicient for the construction of said Rail Road
and sich warhouse-;, oflices, and places of Dvposite, as may
be ne ssiry Cor the use of saidl Comtpany; and the same to
sell, grant, demliSe, alien or di-pose of', to sue atd be sued,
ple;ld and be itmpleaded, answer and he answered unto, delend
n  be delended in tny court of Record ; and also to make,
have, and Iuse, a enmamont seal, and the same to break, alter or
renew, at their p)letsurte ; a1d UlSo by and through a Board of
Directors, to ordain, establish and put in exceution, all such
by-laws, rules, and regul:i1ions. is shall he necessary and con-
vettient for the governinlg of stid corpuation, as to them nay
or shatll ippermain: Prouiced, That such by-laws, rules anl
remitions sad not be contrary to time laws and Constitution
of the United Stts or of this State.
S 1.:. 2. And be it firher enacted by the authoril aforesaid,
Twit the cnpital stovk of said Coipany slhall consist of twelve
tItitulred itusatnd dollars, liwhich tmay he iicreastd fromn time
to time whenever the Boird of Directors may think nccessary,
to an uaioant not exceeuding thirty hun1ttdred thousanitd dollars ;
sail stock shall consi-t of shares of one liedied dollars each.
And he it also eniacted, That the Ioard of Directors (br the
tine beingr, shleul be authorized to prescribe the teris and
conditionits of subc ipitions of such additional stot k as may be
from time to time requircd.


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