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An Act to alter and amend an act entitled an act to amend an act entitled an act to alter and amend an act to empower the justices of the Inferior courts of the several counties within the state to order the laying out the public roads, and to order the building and keeping in repair the public bridges, so far as relates to the counties of Chatham, Liberty, Bryan, Mclntosh, Glynn and Camden. 1823 130 (1823)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0155 and id is 1 raw text is: Roads, Bridgee, and Ferrie?.

To altr a id amend an act entitled anl act to aiend aln act
entitled an at t toalt andaumid an act to empower the
justices of the Inferior courts of the several counties
within the state to order the laying out the public roads,
and to order the building and keeping in repair the pib-
lic bridges. so for as relmtes to the counties of Chatham,
L0ibet, Iicyan, Wlelntosh Glynn and Cnmden, passed
.Decc nher e(uth, eighteen hundred and three.
Whervas, the fourth section of the above recited act is
tiadequate to the puiposes for which it was initended, so far
as it relates to its operation in the county of Chatham.
Be it enacted by the Sen ate and Ifouse of Representa-
lives of the State of Geogia, in Genei al .Asembly met,
and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the sanw, That
tiomn and inmediately after the passing of this act. the corn-
mussioners or surveyors of roads of the county of Chat-
hain, or a iajoritynof them, shall and they have full power
and authority to appoint one or more person or Irsons
i ithin their several di tricts and divisiois to smuniion all
such persons as are ohliged to work within the said districts
or divisions, at such time of the 3ear. and for as many days
q they m;3 think conveniet and necess ary, (not ex(eeding
six days At one ne, or tw lve days in one year.) to mrpair,
cut, V01 'n, har and woL k upon the several roads, hridges,
C         -tus . n atir passaes and v anter courses within the
samve: owl aid summoner or snununoners before entering
oin the dutits of his or' their appointnunts shall take the
f  ally; oath, to I'e ainiristered by one of the comminiis-
Sioners or sunrveors of said district or division, viz:-1,
A. B. do soletmnly swear (or alirni) that I will faithfully
dlowhrge the duties of sunmoner of (e district to WhichC
I am appointed, and that I wilI receive no return from any
oii (i. manager, or' other person, unless sumc  owner, man-
ager, or othir person, take the oath prescribed by law. St
help mic God.-Aud the several owners and managers of
male  inVes wit hin their several districts, shall when snin--
niuoed deliver to the person sniunumnning a list in writing as


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