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An Act to amend an act to regulate the town of Carnesville. 1808 101 (1808.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0056 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF OEORGIAt
'o amend an a~t to.regulate the towa
of Carnesville.
BE it enalled by the Senate and Houfe of Rcpre.
*4entatives of the State cf Ceorgia, in general assembly
iet, and it is herchy qencted, That from and after
the firft day of bnuary next the cominiffioners of
the town of Carnelyille fhall have full power and
authority to make, ord,in and pars all fuch bye-
laws, rules and regulations, fron time to time, as
they, or a majority of them may deent nectAfary
,and conducihe to the health, peace, tranquility and
good order of the good citizens of the faid town
of Carnerville, to fecure tie buildings from fire,
and other accident6, for removing wood and other
lumber and obftrufions off the public fquare and
fireets, and for keeping the fame clean and in good
order  Providrd, That fuch bye-laws, rules and
regulations be not repugnant to the conflitution and
laws of the flate, and that no pain or penalty,
therein infliked upon any free white perfon, free
peifon of color, or any flave, thall extend to life,
imb, or corporal pu.nifhiment.
5 2. And be it further enaled, by the authority of
the fame, That it fhall be lawful for the faid com-
iniflioners, or a niajority of them, to impofe a tax
npon all perfons retailing liquors in the public
fquare or fIreets of faid town, Provided, fuch tax
fhall not exceed fix dollars for each day fuch per-
fon (hall retail liquors in a lefs quantity than five
§ 0. And be it further cnacted by the authority a.
forefaid, That the commifioners of the faid village
of Carnefville fhall be eleded on the firft Monday.
in Tanuary in every year between the hours of ten
o'clock in the forenoon, and three o'clock in the

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