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An Act to incorporate the Town of St. Mary. 1802 33 (1802)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0030 and id is 1 raw text is: (  33 )

AN        ACT
To Incorporate the Town of St. Mary,
HVIIEREAS from       the extent and population of th
Town of St. Mary) its growing importance, botk
ivith refped. t6 encreafe of inhabitants, and diffuive
commerce; it is indifpenfably neceffary that many regue
lations fhould be made, for the prefervation of peace
and good order within the fame: And whereas, from
the many weighty and important matters that occupy the
attention of the Legilatire at their teneral meeting, it
bas hitherto been found inconvenient, and may hereafter
become more fo; for therri to devife, confider, deliberate
on, and determine all fuch laws and regulations as emer-
gencles, or the local circumftances of the faid townp
may from time to time require.
Sec. i. PE it iherefore naled, That from and im-
tmediately after the paffing of this a, all perfons, citi-.
sens of the United States, and refiding one year within
the faid town, and having a freehold or leafe for years of
a lot within the faune, Ihall be deemed,and they are hereby
declared to be a body corporate and politic; and there
fhall be an Intendant and Council for the faid town--
and they aind their fAtcefibrG hereafter to be appointed,
fhall have perpetual fucceml'on, and be ffiled and known
by the name of The Intendant and Council of the Townz of
.t. Mary, and fhall have a common feal, and be capable
in law to pirchafe, have, hold, receive, enjoy, poffefs
and retain, to them and their ALcceffors, for the ufe of
the Town of St. Mary, in perpttuity, or for any term of
years, any eftate or cflates, real or perfonal, meffuage,
lands, tenereius, or hercdintameis of whatever nature or
kind foever, within the li nits of the faid town; and to
fell, alien, exchange or kafe the fanit, or any pait there-
of as they thall think proper, and by the hme name to
11e and be fued, implead and be implkaded, anfwer and
be anfivered unto, in. any court of law or equity in this
fate. Aad they hal al Co bc v'eIAd with foit power ua
8 2,             '.Lhority,

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