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An Act to raise a Tax for the support of Government for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six. 1796 5 (1796)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0007 and id is 1 raw text is: ritin '*iflsdeldd                          1,9iIAg
and iAd bd'orethe nCxt  gillaturghi Rpeilrt'
che~r Grad;jas hich wW~-e ad&'liit tomifathiit ~*
gifitine overthe ads of wheothr tobca ttmI
it.WAS         do   appear trom, in -- Y i   '
this Leiltares as Ai afrontthepid    ct   ti thegrrid jrr~s ondinh'of iiddidB)
Jorty o ?hecountiss ofhe ae. nd by- the at  afeF  idi     ATEi     ,r
people thccIse   tbth Coriversttropand~~y n  tpctiti~~ to  si'tt    hhl      E
purport, .dsalo'*Frork the fellevi~dent proof offloud,aji fod Whjo i ifit
thoutlind dollri 'and the acc.ptance ot fie hundrd thdditn  oAa ,iidW oid d ithd
for whhf the faid tenior.was fold; -that fraud  id iwd          r i  i Atihel fa4i
act and grant, asd that a majority of.thofk y:nhes of the 1gilatij'e x hcif  d ift4dr
aforfaid aa, were engfaged in the prcha1e;,ast a majokty'ofoiitote ped &Mis .Ff
the faid  uiod ad in the.Senatel and ork which winjorityin at urinth             1
corruption appeara.agaift more.than one memberf* that'bdYcivid   tifi    a  r%     -
ccptions ued, and the indcquacy of price for th an irimeif bn vnkablgria  6P
would be fufficien' Vqy, reafon, %and law,- to invalidate the cit           ' didtb
confitaiunal, which this, Igilature declares it 1% not.
Beit birrrfor indoal,' hat the taid dfurped -aO. ptc t.
.one thoulfand cven hundred.and nncry-fivc, nritet-, *.  ft Anl  t 'I      ti,
at forjappropntmg a piartof the, unlocated territ.e of this ate, tir th' ,  Wnriicff
troops, and for or po  thercin mentioned;  rothd                            r
re 6ory theef or the,protedion of the frt  , and f othcr irpostidd               A
he.ny dcclired null and void, and the.grnt.ot )rants ri ht or rightifdal2 .  [ci9s
deducedor derived'therefram, -orfrorm any clavf:I ktter <r pirt of thb 'fathe o  i' pitd
fame, is hereby alfo annulicd, Vtendered void, uad 4t ro effed add 'dsth? fiiaias'rtlddri -
out conftitutionAl uthority, and fuhudulently obtAim, ;iti's'heibby dcliged of 6ibidip FdcFcr,
effed on this flate or thc  ple thereof; but is at? are tb. be&e6rdde=c lofh i  T - L
ought t be  fo   o     ifelves void, -tfnd the ter-itoryheejn,  rini[ cis  hlcr'e- dctYr
ed to be the 0lcaprperty of the fhte, fubjecl. onlY to the right f fr  f'h  ri   tf  -
able the flate I pirch   e its pr-mption rIC    i1Irdaht o   th      .              -
.AndJ &c it /i4irt ha~ked, Tha it wit hinthree days Mice the phiflr gf ihis if th~dlhi\Whb
of the Legdltui'e thalagcirnble toCthcr:-atchic N ctijiy fhcoycersf alitteiit ill Av
at rccord s,'documena        in szeh SccAaryY., Shh-cyo6medP 'k ,id, tht_ tlic f2M ,
and which 'rccords.ad docnts, ihallthen ant t here be Sqirned r
the books of reord of thc qatc, .and .thq cnfolled ily p .ulu pd ad thaU then be publicly burnt,
in orderal at no tW4e of fo unconftitutioita, ilcM thudaUk),nt a trinfadion,. other than the ifamy
attached 'to it by this law, fha1 remal  h k ali  t;ol ard it ishereby declared: the
duty of the coOnty1ofEers vf. reord, w t .-ank  aviy  ce, bond ; or other deed whitcveii,''ha1V
havc been record relating to the falc of the aid   under the- (aid u(urd   to   A r pce
the book wherci the faid deed,-,bond or *:onveyanwv mo rmcydid,Crb .h  -       o    at
the next Mdlion of the court aftcr.the pailing this. Lxf and whicl'co .s    ed'to't~ii
fichclek or keeper of the public :records of -the cski  too t              i   r
and. if fuch clerk or keeper of rccords, negled or rt ti tle fo to do, he thall  and is-hereby deciUd,
nc pabk of holdig anyofflice of trut orconfidence in this fth  rd ~he Superior.Cour thai
2) end him: And from and after the palling of this &m..if:ny trkofa ao)y,:,ioiab  e
othcr oer  keeping record,.fhall.cnter any-rrantion agreniento      c
con t    era  lative to the faid purchafe underthefaki  i d a&o their boo s or60coid, irey
claim can be derivedt of authority of.reord, -he of thy, thall-be d icpAbleif holh ikmy
office oftmt oi piltwithil thisflate, and-be liiab  to a penalty of one thoofandQolli  be
tecovcred in any court within and widCr the jurifdidl  of.this flai. ore hl rheidof to bE  TC

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