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An Act to pardon William Lejeau under sentence of death in the county of Chatham, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 1796 22 (1796)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0006 and id is 1 raw text is: L .22   A
N   A   C T to pardon FVilliam Letru under feaence of deatb in tbt countyf. Chath   .. and for
.     *                  o*tber turptfes thestin meationed..
W.    W1EAS William 1.jcau,. a free mulattoe, refiding in the city ofSavannah,is:amrvuadcrfentence
 odcath for the murder of negro Tom I. ard the jury by whom he was tried, has recommended him
£el Therefo  enid  y fritate and bhofe f  ryftrfre4laos ef 16e fAW f Gere/s; l gArt a  Jtwrly    nts
That the iforcfaid William Lejeau be, and he is hercby pardoned and W-ricafed from the faid fentence, and
Sdeclared to be fully difcharged and fct at liferty.                   .
AND WHEREAS the faid William Lejeau by the.a& aforeffid did deprive ElernorSlyterman, of te
City of Savannah, an aged'ad infirm woman, of her only fupport, fhe bckig the.owner- of theAfiid negro
Voi j i.' afo isekd by he Ovtbority afortfaid That the faid William Lejeau thallbe, and is *hekby com.
pelkd to pay to the raid Ecanor Slytcerman - the means of herAu  rt during her naturgl lifi* thirty cents
pr day g and the julices of the inferior couri are hereby requii. and empowered to compel the aid Wil-
iam~.Iejeau to make payment as aforcfaid; and in'catc of delauk, to put to nmanual tabor the faid William
Lejcau, in ordcr to piovidc the money for tlc purporC aforefaid ; and the faid jufliccs are required to take
(uch meaures as may appar to them proper, to prevent the fid ILjeau from abfconding, o as to cvadc
the paymecnt required of him by this ad.
.         of    b   h     THOMAS STEV ENS, Speaker of ibe lbefe of Reprefintatives.
BENJAMIN TALIAFERRO, Prefidrni of the Senate.
Conuirred, Frhuuary C I, 1-96..
JARED I     WIN, Gotrrnor.-
A  N   A   C   T to enib/ the Trailes of the il'bite 11/af Congirgaton, in de county of C     toh
jr// and convey 'a ccrtin tract of .land.
~..  HEREAS on the eccond day of Oanbcr, one thourand fevcn hundrcd and fifty-nine, a ecrtabn traLf of
W VLind containing onc hundred acrc, lituate and being in the dill rid of White Bluff, in the county
Pf Chatham, %%,'as granted unto John Joachim Zubly,- Michael liurghalder, Simon Gering, George Torig,
Jacob Thedf, Thomas Frafer and George Uland, in trul for the cbngregation and meeting-houle of the
taid diflrid: AND WI IFREAS the faid congregation have, by thcirpetition reprrented that the faidtrad
of land is in no wife produdive nor any benclit derived therefrom, and prayed that an adt may be paflcd to
enable the trullecs of tihe aid congre-arion and mcet ..g-hnoule'i to (f11and convey tic fame    /
Br il ilarrrjo r~i en /d /ty ibe/j n :.:ad hufi a/repre/cuii;i 6f theJ//we of Gr'ia, i.. grnrral afrnldy mel, and
by the' aublowry / ibe. /in, That hlie inlhabitants of thre faid dillriJ of White-11t1ul, beinig mcibcrr of thc
itid coingregationn bclonging to the laid mectin--hourlc, ihall on thC fictl Mondq) inNan ch next, ad on the
line day annua:ly and every year thereafter, allcablc aid nice together-at (hc. faidnectingliourc, and pro.
cccdby ballot to tie choice of f-ven i it and proper perfom, mibcrs of the r(id congregation, and reficenrts
and frecholders iii the laid dr!trid, to ad ns truflkes to the thid congr eiion and inecting-hourr.
And k it furtbr elatted, )ht thc pcrfons cholca itulices as alsorefaid or a majority of theni fthall,. and
thry are hereby velled with full power and authority, at any time aftcr the faid firlt Monday in March next,
to'fec up and cxpore to fafe, on a credit of five ycars, the fai4trad ofland of one hundred acres, to the hlghcft
bidder, firil givmng at' kall- thirty. days notice in the Gazette of Savannah,. and in thrce or more public
places in the (aid difliaL, and to make and cxccute.good and fuicient titles for the rame, in fcc timple, to
the purctafer or purchalers thercof, on the following tcruns and conditior$, that- is to lay : The purchafer or'
purchafers'of the (aid trald of land fall give bond,. with fch good and fulcieni pcrfonal Iccurity, asa majori-
ty of the faid truflecs fhall allow and approve of, together with a mortgage on the prcmifes, for fecuring the
amount of the purchlafc money aid annual intercfl thereof, payable by five annual and equal inflallments a the
lirll paymcnt to be made in twelvc months from the day of fate , nhjch bonds and mortgage (hall be given
and made payable to the -raid truflecs and their fucccifors in office, to pnd for the ure and benefit of the. fAid
congregition; and the fIid truflces or a majority-oftheni orthcir fiiccffsix inoffice, arc hereby veded with
'fullpowcr and authority in cafe of rcfufrl or neafed to pay the anount of the raid bondsand the intereff due
.hcrcon, to fue for and recover the (ame by a H atlaw,.an any- court of record n this ftate having ju ddc-
'tid6 in fuch carhc, and to foreclofe the cquity of redcsption in thcfaid'mortgage, and to take ail-legat fleps
for the ricovery thcrcof, as if the faidrruflees were a Lxxy politic and.corporatc.
,fAidk'it further enalled, Talt the faidtruffecr,,and their fcceffors inWoficeAhallIay orit.the fad money to
tuch urtd, intents and purpores,. au the Ladl congregation thalf, by ihcar vote taken for that purpore, direi .
.a a...iar, i.                           TH4QOMAS STEVENS, . Speake of ibe itue ofRepre/estathes.
BENJAMIN TA LIA FERRO, ref/.dent of Ik &saf.

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