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An Act to impose a Tax on the Inhabitants of this State, for the Support of the Government for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. 1793 34 (1793)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsga0005 and id is 1 raw text is: .   31  1 .
Be itfilether eeirted, Tit from and after the pall ngr ofh rI,  . he
Covernor luall not coinmillionolliccr to.ny trooli or r - ii bi,04
or any companv or compaies of artillery or raltini, %*i: -  1 i1..ll
le certdilied to hsin by -the ollicer cmnn dutifitig tIh  gad-o.0 1ftih
trop or conupany ij. coinpolcd of, and bchmiiging to !ome i !..  t or.
battalion within the la'~e.
-And be it furt/utr enacted iy de authWily afrhirf d, .havjt;v ipedrim
or perfons having a w ii ald child or childr( ii, reiiovig ir. i au  ofX
th Unlitd Statvs or '0lfvwhere into tis flate, Iliall be, a;d tie are
lwrby rxcumpred IIur' militia (tily for the hill trin of twclve
iiotls. -Pividrd alway.s, 'I hat liwh perlint do within thrce w%,ks at-
t1 r coming into iieflate, enrol hinial'll in the captarin'd compny i.
thc county whercin lie does-rclide.
A:d be itfurthr.mariled. That (0 much of n a . entitled.  anv
to  revif e a id  mend the i ii a Ia  of thiis fHat,. pafli-d  th  Ifiuricct h
day of Deccilhwr. oneh hod fal lvn hundrlied .mdt numery-.two, wh.ch
<xeCmpts from militia (luty the li-vural icers there a:, il Iaie d, usid'all.
lys, regulaiting the nlatia prior to faid ad, bc, and the iunai arc-
by repcalhd.
WILLIAM    GIllnBONS, Speaker (if the
11.1/e qf R:frf' taives.
AP feient o/ the Senate.
concgrred, Decemer 17, 1703.-
G l.OR'E MATH IL\'S, Governor.
A;    RCT     to imlvoie a Fax on Me Sw dafilantY f /s/
Cialc, /or ide fupport c/ /6e frrnmennt for //1e
tcar one donuanl fe    n   unc'red and wimdy four.
BE it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefcntatives of he /ate of
GCeorgia, in ncueral Affmbly met, That a tax of cight Ihillings and
two.pnce for ecery hundred pounds value of all lands withn this
flate, granted to or furc)ed for any pcrfon or perions, thiall be paid'
and levied( the~rcon. .-
And be it /uriker enaled, That the value or eflimatioh of fuch lands
thall be r:ated agreeably to the cilimation or value of lands in and' by
the aft entitld  an ad to raife a tax fbr the fupport of overnment
Ior the year oneIthoufand.feven hundred and ninety-two.
Anid be it/ urithr. cindled, That the flam ofone uilling and nine-pence,
thall be lcvicd on all fiec male white pcrfons, relidncit withn this


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