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An Act to prevent the abduction and escape of Slaves from this State. 1854 52 (1854)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0199 and id is 1 raw text is: 52      CH Ai'. 634-35.       LAWS OF FLORIDA.
C A TR 03,. [No. 25.)
AN ACT to amend Ali Act concerning Roads aod Highways in this State.
SEcTIoN 1. Be it ciacted by the Senate and Ious e of Repreacn-
Act of 1847 tattirs of he ,Slate of Florida in General Asseibly convened, That
Ate   of  4the Act approved Jlunhtry 5, 1847, in relation to Roads and Hligh.
teide to St ways i? tile County of Duval, be extended and applied to the County
Ji1s County. of St• .Joints; and al laws and parts of' laws conflicting with the pro.
visions ol said act, he and are hereby repealed, so far as the County
(1f St. Johns is concerned.
[Passel the house of ltepresutatives December 23, 1854. Passed the Senate
December 29, 1854. Approved by the Governor January 2,1855.]
CIAPTER t135.-[No. 206.]
AN ACT to prevent the abduction and escape of Slaves from this State.
SUCTION 1. Be it cnacted by the Senate and House of Rcprcsen.
Vessels leavi'g vtlties of te Slate of Florida in General Assenbb! convened, That
St. Johns Riv- from an;d after the passage of this Act it shall bo required of the
er to come to Captain, Commander, or person in charge of each and every vessel,
anchor, &C.  leaving St. Johns River, bound for any port in a non-slaveholding
State, or any foreign port, to come to anchor opposite May Port
Mills, and tlhcre remain it sufficiett length of time to be hoarded,
searched and f(uimigated.
Ofnerto  Sc. 2. Bc itjinrther citaced, That it shall he the duty of tho
board vessels Governor, by and with the advice and cousent of the General As-
howappointed. semobly, to .1ppoint a competent officer, whose duty it shall be to
Duty.        board, diligentl y search, and thoroughly fumigate, with tar and sul.
pyur, each and every such outward bound vessel.
Slave found on  81C. 3. lie it furthcr enactcd, That if any slave or slaves shall
hoard tA h le found on hoard of any such outward bound vessel, without writ-
conveyed  to ten permission from the owner or manager of such slave or slaves,
Jacksonville.  the searching officer shall have such slave or slaves conveyed to
.Iacksoiville Jail at the cost and expense of the Captain, Command-
or, or person in charge of such vessel.
Officer to keep  See. .1. lie it (hdM'er enacted, That the searching officer shall
book.        keep a book of entry, in which lie shall enter the name of each and
Names or yes- every vessel, vith that of her Captain and port of destination, which
soUmto be en- hook he shall exhibit to any and all persons requiring the same, and
tered.       lie shall receive, as a compensation for his services, the sum  of two
Compensation. dollars and fifty cents for each and every vessel so searched and i-
By whom paid. inigated, to lie paid by the Captain, Commander, or person in charge
of the vessel.
Sy:c. 5, Be itfurther enacted, That if the Captain, Commander,

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