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An Act to provide for taking the Census in the year 1855 in this State. 1854 48 (1854)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0197 and id is 1 raw text is: 48      CrAP. 029.             LAWS OF FLORIDA.
-    -    lne, hly tile Judgge of T'rohntes for IHillsborough County, to he held
electiols and at slicl pke,. in the suid Coutly of Manatee, as the Sa'id Judge of
wlhen.        Probate-s n:1v deevin proper, On tlie first Monday in October, 1855,
How conduct- which tlei'tion shall be conducted under the lI'avs and regulations
goveruio. eIctiolls ill this State; tlhe returns thereo to lie nide to,
Ilelurns and :tii(1 the etliiva.s and ret'il t lto be iide by, the said Judge of Pro-
Cllvils.    bates its ill odlhr electiolns; alid the officers so elected shall ibu coin-
iilhisiolied I*v Ih t ( overimtr.
Si:. 5. Re it 1i/er1her cnav'fcd, 'Thiat so sno  as the officers of
iaiid -.11i1i of ialllit tee are eh, ettld and qUilified, they shall receive
Records, dock- froiii s ich olfievris of the (ointy of I lili hiorough all iecords, Dock.
dgeeIlium &C  et, fihs, Siuits, iLutLer.s of Adunistration,  uardianiship, Curator-
to be t;'rnfvr- shill, aiid all oliher  vi'. w'hla(tever, iu lui way appertaining to tlho
red.         CountN' of' M1hanatee, or the inhiahiitaits thereof, whilth s ll, lie inade
of    eco'd, Iiled, & c., in the sidh County or Miiatee and the slme
shacll be colithi-ted and coutiiiuted as though they had origiiated in
the zlid County.
i c.ir   . 1  e it.forllier c'nacl'd, 'i'hat a tern of the Circuit Court
Circuit Coulrt for the 'outhel'ni Crcuit of' loridh, Shall he held it tihe seat of Gov-
whenhel. eru   fillt fih' said (ounty t it' Manatee onl the  -  Monday of
April ad      -      l ondLV of Novembher, in eacii and every year,
cotuenliglloilnl   thlle  - ,   lilniiN of N oveniber, 1855.
Svc:'. 7. 1j! i fo-hIr citI'd, !'lt all laws or parts thereof, in
]epeal.      llY w     y nflieting with the proi'ziions of this Act be, and they are
hlereby repealed.
'laeJliUf til f  ons ofepr.'eutntive. Deceiber 3O, 1854. Passed thle Sea.
ate Janiury 4, 11,55. Approved by Me. Uuvertior January 'j, 15
CiHA'TiERm 629.-[NO. 20.]
AN ACT to provide for talitile ho Cewius in the year 1855 in this State.
Slmrio-% 1. i: f cit'nwakl 1y ,/re Sivialw anl HLuse of .ikptresenta.
Governor to li'.. of I( 81tf  o  Flr'da in  (t cr'l A.s'emlyhj 'oareuicd, Thiat
appolltCeUSUS the t.ovei'noi shaI1 ppoit inf lti i each County of' this Stte
taker.       to nLkO an11 co, ln liealiolln of all t110 ihilailiutits if said Colulty, dis'.
tilguihhin the l freo   vIlitLe iilleiiitants, Olives mlid fi'ee persons of
color therein resihitig, and the saille hliall he mllado by al hial enquiry
Duties.      ait every di'ellhllg holluse, of tle huead  (ithe fuidly, or of some whil e
ineniier thereof over ihe 1-go if fiflien .years.
Oath.           Sue. 2. le it i'thr enatled, That eaeh llfsoi so appointed shall,
before elerhigil  ipollti th dutie, it his otlice, take and subseribe ati
of oath or afirnation to  ithfilly discharge the duty imposed upon hint
Copile o ib  this act, and after tall elillieratimn, lie sh|1;ll iiakei(c two copies
inore filed.  thereoft olne of whivch lie shall file with lie Judge of Proliates for his
County, and transiit the other to the Secretary of State, and for tho

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