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An Act repealing the first and second sections and amending section third of An Act in relation to trading with Slaves. 1850 132 (1850)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0184 and id is 1 raw text is: 1850.    ties, all the affidavits that may be sworn to an subscribed before
theni ns inspectors, also all the votes received by thein ; and it is
hereby made the duty of the respective Judges of Probate in this
State, to file i their ofice  all fhe affidavits aui votes returned to
them under tle provisions of this act.
]1himk aflida- Su~c. 5. le itfitriher enacted, That it slall be the duty of the
ts &C.      Secretary of State to furnish to the respectivo Judges of Probate a
sufflcient number of blank allidavits, as is provided for in the first
section of this act, to be distributed to the respective precincts.
Sc. 6. Be itfurther enacted, That if any  rsou shall be guilty
, F.    . ,, of wilful and corrupt false swearing, or afiiming, when interrogated
as to his qualificatiuns as a voter, he shall, on conviction, sufibr the
pains and penalties of perjury.
[Passed the Senate, )ccember 27, 1850. Passed the House of Represeiita
tives, January 10, 1851. Approved by thie Governor, January 00, 1851.1
CHAP'TER 386.-[No. 75.]
AN ACT repealing thie first and second sections ind amending section third of
An Act in relation to trading with Slaves, approved February 11, 1884.
SE~c'rIO 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hlouse of Represen.
tat ives of the State (Y Florida in General Assembly convened, That
Roleal.     from and after the passage of this not, tile first and second sections
of Al act in relation to trading vith Slaves, approved February
11, 1834, be, and the same are hereby repealed,
Snc. 2. Be 'it further enacted, That section third be so amended
I'erso buying, as to read as follows: If any persoin shall bny, accept or receive
&e.. slhail be
fitted.     from any slave, any money, grain, produce, or other article of value,
without a permit f1om the person Iving thie control of said slave,
authorizing said slave to dispose of said money, or article of value,
lie, silo or they, on conviction before tie Circuit Court, shall be fined
ini a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not ex-
Proviio.    ceeding three months, at the discretion of the Judge: Provided, That
in no case shall cotton, sugar or tobacco, be purdhased from auy
[Pascd the House of Representatives, Tanuary 17, 1851. Passed thie Senate,
January 22, 1851. Approvcd by tie Governor, January 2-1, 051.]
CIAPThI   387.-[No. 76.]
AN ACT in addition to the Acts now in force in relation to Crimueis and Misde.
SE'T[ON 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqeresent.
Kidnapping atives of the State of Florida in General Assembly convened, That
negro, penauty. from and after the passage of this act, the abducting or kidnapping
of any free negro or niulatto, or any negro or mulatto bound to ser.

Crimes and M1isdemeanors.

'132  COtw-, 38(--387,

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