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An Act to require licenses to be taken out by persons and subjects not hitherto taxed. 1848 15 (1848)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0175 and id is 1 raw text is: TLiases upon subjects not hitherto Taxed.  CiA,. 216.  15
SEC. 8. Be. it further euzeted, That, if any person or persons,  18.18.
who is or are by law required to take out licenses, shall exer.
cise or offer to exercise his, her, or their respective callings, bist.
ness, or occupation ; or shall let, keep, sell, ofler fur sale, trade, Persons who
exhibit, or expose, without first having obtained a license so to do, fail in taking
h1e, she, or they shall be liable to a double tax, to be paid to the out licenses to
sheriff; and the payment of the saio to be.enforeed by him, by the be double ta-
seizure and sale ofproperty, in the same manner and under ite samtle to I  ndit-
regulations, as the payment of other taxes is enlorced by the tax col. bent.
lector. And the said person or persons shall, also, in addition to the
said double tax, be liable to indictment-and on conviction, to a fine
of not more than one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the court.
[Passed Senate, January 3, 1849. Passed ]louse of Representatives, Jan-
nary 6, 1819. Approved by the Governor, January 12, 18,19.]
CHAPTat 216.-[No. 8.]
AN ACT to require licenses to be taken out by persons and subjects not
hitherto taxed.
Sac'rToN 1. Ie it enacted by the Sente and House of Rlepresca.
ratires of the State of' Florida in Gencral Asscmb1 convened, That
the following taxes shall be assessed upon and collected tfrom the 161.
lowing named perssts, property and subjects to wit : every dentist or
dental surgeon, a yearly tax often dollars ; every daguerrean, a tax
of ten dollars ; every negro trader, or other person bringing slaves
into this State for sale, a tax of five dollars fbr each slave so brought; Taxes on per.
every horse trader, or person bringing horses, mares or mules into sons an prop.
this State for sale, a tax of fifty cents for each aninal so brought ; erty not here-
every agent or partner of a fbreign commission house, or merchant, tofore taxed.
a yearly tax of thirty dollars ; every agent or partner of a foreign
factor, broker or private banker, a yearly tax of fifty dollars ; and the
taxes herein imposed shall he paid, and a license taken out, by the
persons named in this section, in the county where the said persons
shall respectively exercise, or oflhr to exercise, their respective call.
ings, business or occupations, or shall first arrive or bo ; and the li.
cense taken out shall have lbrce throughout this State.
SEc. 2. le it further enacted, That the following taxes shall he
assessed upon and collected firom the following named persons, sub.
jects and business, to wit: every transient person, not a resident of 'ax to t,e paid
this State, (except hawkers and pedltrs,) who shall sell, ofl1er to sell, by a transient
person sel!ing
or expose lbr sale, goods, wares, inerchandize, not the growth or goods, &e. not
manufitcttire o this State, a yearly tax of sixty dollars for each coun. the growth or
ty in which lie, she or they shall so sell or offer, or expose for sale ; manufacture
every transient person, not at resident of this State, w ho shall deal' of this State,
trade, do business or act s a broker, commission merchant or for.
warding merchant, it yearly tax of forty dollars for each county in
which lie, she or they shall exercise his, her or their calling, business

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