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An Act to incorporate the city of Key West. 1838 68 (1838)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0138 and id is 1 raw text is: (    68     )
Nu. 57. AN ACT for the relief of J. J. Sand!.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative
Council of the Territory of Florida, That the rreasurer pay to
toIP .~ato.. John J. Sands the sum of seventy-seven dollars and sixty three
cents as a full compensaion lbr his services in guarding John W.
Davis, indicted for murder.
P'-.sed II [t, Feb. 1838.-Approved I1th, Feb. 1838&
No. 58. AN ACT to incorporato th eily ofKey West;
Seuion 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative
Council of the Territory of Florida, That all the white inhabi-
tants ofthat part of the Island ol'Key Vest, comprehended with-
;;i the limits of the city of'Key West, as designated by the plan
or map or said city, now oi file in the clerk's oflice in the Coun-
ii,,itsaor Itnor. ty of Mo'oe, (,.'xcepting that part at present, or that may lire:
lvra,,o,,,  after be occupied by the United States for military or naval pur-
poses) be, and the same are hereby, constituted a body corpo-
rate, by the name and style of the City of Key West: and by
said cot porate name may sue anld be sued, plead and be implea-
fled, grant anid receive donations, purchase and hold real, mix-
ed, and personal property, and dispose of the same for the ben-
efit of said city: and (do all the acts, Iossess all the rights, liber-
ties, and privileges, that a corporation, body politic, or natural
person, may (in, or possess; and may hav.. and use a corporate
seal, which may he altered at pleasure.
Sec. 2. lic it further enacted, That the government of said
i;,overnint,  city shall be vested ini a Commoi, Council, consistlig of a y-
or and fur Aldermen, and such other necessary oilicers as the
said mayor and aldermen may appoint.
Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the annual election for
mayor and alermen shall he hel on the first ,onday of De-
cember ofeach year, at such places as the common council may
appoint, and the votes shall be given by ballot. All free white
male citizens of the United States, who are over tiventy-ontyears
io nay voto of age, who shall have resided within the limits of said city three
at etention.  months next preceding the day of election, and who shal have
paid all legal taxes that may have been demanded of them, shall
have a right to vote at elections for mayor and aldermen author-
ised by this act.
Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be thi duty of tle
mayor of said city, to order an election for mayor aldermen,
and appoint judges therefor, at least five days previous to the

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