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An Act to incorporate the Town of Jacksonville. 1834 60 (1834)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0118 and id is 1 raw text is: Go
Chap. 777-No. 35. An net to incorporatc ie Town orJachson-ile.,
Sr, de.     Src. 1. lIe it enacted by the Governor anti Legislativ, Coun.
ned.     eil of the Territory of Flor,da, Thlt all the free white mal,, in.
habitants or tile age of twenty-one years and over, comprelhend-
ed within n line coincoeing at a point on the South hank of tho
river St. John's opposite to l1olgan's creeki on the North side,
running North half n mile up said creek, thence West one mile
and a half to McCoy's creek, thence South to a point on the
South side of the river St. John's oppo4ite to MCoy's creck,
thence East to the point of beginning ; and their successors be,
acorported. oand nre hereby declared to he a body politic and corporate by
the name and style of the rown of Jacksonville, with all the
righis, lIihcruis, privileges, poe~w rs and  uth ritics, incident to,
and appertaining to a corporation, body politic or a natural per-
son ; and by the said name and style may sue and he stied,
plcad a id ho impleadud, hold, possess, and enjoy real estate
andti peostal prop, rty ; aid dispose ol; and transilcr tile samie ,
and so dispose ot and manage thc funds ot said city, a-, shall be
most bem.wiid to the interests thereof.
Gt nernment Sc. 2. Ile it further enacted, That the governnent of said
Svested  i)
Ly,,,- & fl' town shall be vested in a person ,to be callod a Tayor, and Ibtr
Idericne.  Aldermen, to compose a council for th Iin nage m ent of the al'-
fairs of said t wtn: ':iTe Mayo, and Aldermncim shall be elected
annually on the first Mondtay of April, fromt among such of the
qualified voters of said town hereby incorporated, as shall have
!o be elceted resided within th(- limits theeol, at least one month and sbhall be
t.111uoy.  hnuso kecpers therein. But should said election for Mayor
and Aldermen not take pltce on the day abovementioned, the
Ltalifca ion. corporation shall nut ior tiat co ue be dleened to be dissolved ;
but may lie held on any day uppointed lbr that purpose there-
Six. 3. Be it further enacted, That the stid council shall
.ay pars or- liave power and authority tt pass aill laws and ordimaces, that
uantces.  may bo necessaty amd expedient tor the good govermnent of
said town, and the preservation of the public morals : Provi-
dud, thlt they tre not inconisisteint with the constitution and laws
lay improve of the United States, and the power hereby granted : And pro-
's, &C.  vided, no law or ordimice in this respect, shall be inconsistent
with any law of this 'I'crritury: They shall especially have
power to regtltate, improve, alter and extend the streets, I:uics,
nvenues, aud public squares, and to open new streets, and to
cause encrotchiments, obstructiens, decayed buildings, and old
ruins to be removed ; making the parties injured by any im-
provent, a just cotnpensatio, and charging upon those betie-
fitd a reasonable assessmueiit, to be ascertainted iii such mauicbl,
as shall be agreed upon by the parties, or by a jury of twelve
bate ujean- men, to te organiz'd in such manner, as, by ordinance, the said
;3.       countcil may provide. They shall havo power to prevent and

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