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An Act to incorporate the subscribers to the Union Bank of Florida. 1833 73 (1833)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0110 and id is 1 raw text is: ONION VANX
(ri. r  , (No. 40) AN 4CT tolneorpnrute the subscribers to tLDA Ua
Bak* of Florida.
Sac. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislatie
Council or the Territory of Florida, Thnt a Bunk shall be es.
tablished in the City of Tallahassee, under tlm title of the 1Uu-
Union nan ':
ion Bank o! Florida, with a capital of onem'illion or dollars, established.
and with the privilege of increa. ing it to three millions o' do[.
•lars, which capital shall b riiised by means ofn loan  on the faith
of the territory by the directors of the Bank : Provided, Thait
no, *nore -tan one million of dollars shall be taken up and call.
ed f at the time oforganizin the Bank.
zc. 2. Be it further enacted, That books or subscription
(towards constituting the cupital of said Bank) lNr the stm of
one million of dollars, divided into shares of one hundred del- BionkUabscrlp
lars each, and intended to secure the said loan to be made on tion forstack to
the faith ortho territory, shall be open on the first Holday of be opunad,
April next, after the passage of this act, in Tallahassee, Pensa-
cola. Si. Augustine, Jacksonville, Marianna and Key-West,
tinder the superintendence of the commissioners herein named,
a majority ofwhom at each place, shall form a board for. the
transaction of bnsiness; to wit :
At Talluhassee, under the superintendence of Ben. Chairos,
R. W. Williams, Nathan Vickers, Win. B. Nuttall, John Pirk,.
hill, Jonathan Robinson, Wit. Manor, Freeman Fitzgerald,
John G. Gamble and Win. Bailey.
At Pensacola, under the superintendence ofHenry I4yer,Jo-
seph Forsyth, John Jerrisonjr., Samuel Patterson, F rpncisco
Ioreno, Hanson Kelly, Joseph Sierra, and t  rga W. Bark.
At St. Augustine, under the superinten4enee of Edwin T.
Jenks, G. IV. Perpall, Andrew Anderson, Antonio . Alvarez,
Daniel S. Griswold, Pedro Benet and Joht. M. l1anp.-on.
At Jaeksonvillo, under the superintendence olJoseph B.
,ancaster, Isaiah D. Hart, Win. J. Mills, Louis Flemming,
Samuel Y. Garey, John L, Doggett and Thomas J. Brown.
At Marianna, under the superintendonce of John %V. Camp.
bell, Jacob Robinson, George U. Hodges, Thomas Orman and
Win. Robinson.
At Key-West, under the .superintoedonee of James Webb,
Fielding A. Brown, John Wh;tehead, Pardon U. Green, Jehu
W. Simonton, Win. A. Whitehead and George E. Weaver,
The books of subscription in Tallahassee shall be kept open
for sixty days ; and in Pensacola, St. Augustine, Jacksonville
and Marianna each thirty days, and Key-West ten days, whe,
they shall be closed. And th  commissioners at Pensacola,
St. Augustine, Jacksonville, Marianne and Key-West shall, us
soon as pratdticablewthereafter trensmit their subscription books
to the commissioncrsappoiited for the City of Tallahassee;

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