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An Act to raise a Revenue for the Territory of Florida. 1828 236 (1828)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0074 and id is 1 raw text is: qualify them to sit at ny court martial above mention.
ed, neither shall any fin~e be imposed upon an officer un.
der this act for not h1aviig uniform at tiny drillor inuister
or until the expiration of twelve months .frow the date
of his commission shallihave elapsed.
Repealing    See. 30. And be itfurt/ltr enacted, That the act to
clause.    organiso and regulate the militia of the Territory pas-
sed January 18th 1828, and approved January 19th 1828,,
be and the same is hereby r4pealed and that this act
shall be in fall force and effect from and after the first
day (if January next.
Passed 19th November, 1828.
President of the Legislative Council.
Approved Nowvmber, 22d, 1828.
Governor og the Territory of Florida.
To raise a- Revenue for the Territory of Florida.
Be it enacted y, the Governor and Leqislative Council
Territorial tax of the Territoryjof Florida, That it Territorial tax shall
to be assese, be asscscdl and collected in each and evdry year, (and
paid into the Treasury of this Territory,) on all reich
persons and property, and in such manner as shall be
On land.   hereinafter mentioned ; to wit, Upro. every acre of first
rate land, haifa cent; Upon every acro of second rate
land  e  tquarter ofa cent; and upon every acre of third
On town lot. rate land, one eighth of a cent ; Upon all lots within the
limits of tiny Town, Ville or City in this Territory, the
On slaves.  oum of five cents ; On every hundred dollars of the value
thereof, exilusive of the improvements built thereon;
Upon every slave over the ago of fifteenyears and under
fifty, the suin of twenty five cents; Upon every free man
On sales of  of colour over the age of twenty ote years and tinder
merchandize. the age of sixty years, the sam of* flly cents ; Upon
every hundred dollars of the amount ofsales ofmnerchan-
dize within the year immediately preceding the first of
On tavera  February, in each and every year, the sum of five cents;
keejier.   Upon every Inn or Taverij keeper in any Town, Ville or

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