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An Act to govern Patrols. 1825 52 (1825)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsfl0049 and id is 1 raw text is: AN ACT
To Govcrn Patrols,

B e it cjtucled by the Governor and Legislative Council
of the Territory of Florida, That erery captain or com-
wanding officer of a company of Infantry or foot Mili-
tiathroughout this Territory is hereby authorised,
empowered and required severally and respectively,
Officers of In- together with the subaltern officers if-any such there
fantry or font mil
liti:t to Iry out be, and they shall in concert sub-divide and lay out his
thei (listriot in- district into as many convenient patrol divisions as they
to patrols-..ages, shall think proper and most convenient to the men;
which said subdivisions shall thenceforth be the pat-
rol divisions until altered by like authority, and
wherein the owners of settled plantations as well as'
the other inhabitants of any such patrol divisions as
well alarm men as others'of horse and foot, between
the age. of sixteen and sixty years, shall b subject to
the patrol duty of that division and shall either by
.themselves in person or by others employed 'for that
purpose, do their pat rol duty regularly according t
the intent and meaning of this act.
See. 2'. Be it further enacted, flhat if any captain
or commanding oflicer shall omit or fail to sub~divid
his company district in manner herein-before enjoined,
or aftor mards r:t any muster day or within five days af-
Captain or corn- ter such muster day' shall negle~t to pridk off the se-
minnding offhcctraPtrlas'b         i
failing.- ofcer  a] patrols as is herein-after directed, that every
..-masters, par-  such captain or commanding officer so failing shall re-
eni.-.apprentice spectively be subject to and pay the penalty of ten
--lIcs.       dollars ; to.be recovered by warrant of distress, un-
der ti ' land of any justice of the peace for tie district
wliee such ofl'ence 'shall be committed, which sum
when collected shall be.paid over to the county Trea-
surer for county. purp6ses: and all masters, parents
and guardians sliallfurnish any apprentice, minor or
ward under'his oir their care with a horse' and neces-
sary equipage required to perform patrol duty. at such
times as may be appointed under penalty of live dol-

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