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An Act to incorporate the Town of Jacksonport, in the State of Arkansas. 1852-1853 244 (1852)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsar0102 and id is 1 raw text is: 244

An act for the benefit of Alfred Cabler.
SECTION.                           SrCTION.
1. Appropriates $50 to Alfred Cabler,, 2. Auditor to draw warrant on treasn.
for delivery of convict at the peni-  rer for above sum: and this act in
tentiary.                          force from its passage.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of
Arkansas. That the sum of fifty dollars is hereby appropriated to
Alfred Cabler, for the delivery of James Lagrow, a convict from
the Penitentiary.             I
SEc. 2. Be it further enacted, That the auditor be required to
draw his warrant on the treasurer for the sum of fifty dollars, as
above set forth, and this act be in force from and after its passage.
Approved 15th December, 1852.
An act to incorporate the Town of Jacksonport, in the State of
SECTION                         jSECTION
i. Incorporates the town of JacksonI   tion &o.
port in Jackson county, by name  10. Mayor to be elected by the voters
and style of Town ofiJacksonport;'  of said town, and commissioned by
council to fix metes and bounds,   the Governor, and hold office for
not to extend more than 3-4 ofal   one year.
mile back; and said corporation tol Ul. Mayor constituted corporation court
possess such powers as are usually-  of said town. and shall be chief'ju.
granted to like corporations.      dicial officer and have such jurisdic-
2. Corporate powers vested in mayor,   tion in civil and criminal matters in
town council &c.             I     said town as this act confers or
3. Council to consist of six members   conncil may confer, not incompati.
elected by citizens, and to hold of-  ble with the laws of this -late.
lice one year.                  12. Mayor shall have original jurisdic.
4. Councilmen, and all other officers, to  tion in natters where the amount
possess qualification of votes. and'  does not exceed S100; may sit as
a residence for six months in limitsl  examining court in criminal esess
of said town; a majority of council.1  le has not power to try; shall have
men a quorum; council to prescribel  exciusive original jurisdiction in all
rules for its proceedings.         oflences against ordinances of said
5. Council to appont officers named inl  town, and concurrent jurisdiction
act, whose appointment is not oth-  in cases of ofiences punishable by
erwise provided for; and by ordi-  fines not over $200.
nance provide for appointment of 13.  ivil cases mayor to be governed
officers and agents not provided for,  by rules governing justices of tie
and prescribe their duties.        peace.
6 Vacancy in council filled by council. 14. In criminal cases, mayor governed
7. Council to levy and collect taxes with-  by rules regulating justices of the
in limits of said town; general du-  peace in like cases. In offences
ties of council defined.           against laws of the state, to grant
2. Council by ordinance to regulate po.  appeals to circuit couit;and in offen-
lice for slaves and free negroes andi  ces again t ordinances of said town
mulattos.                    i     where fine exceeds S5, to grant
9. Council to provide for fine and im-  appeals to said court.
prisonment of persons committing  15. Nsayor to have power to ndminigier
hreach of the peace,and disturbing,  oaths, take depositions, acknowl-
the qiet ofsaid town: fortintoxica    edgemants ofwdeeds &c.

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