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An Act to incorporate the Memphis and Little Rock Plank or Railroad Company. 1852-1853 130 (1852)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsar0096 and id is 1 raw text is: 130
An act to incorporate the Memphis and Little Rock Plank or
Railroad Company.
SECTION.                            SECTION
1. Company styled the Little Rock andl  der new valuation by jury, whose
Memphis Railroad Company, and      verdict shall be final; work on road
by said corporate name. to do all   not to cease on account of these
acts lawflul and incident to corpora- proceedings; nor shall injunction or
tions and necessary to the transac-  supersedeas be awarded to delay
tion of business.                   said work.
2. Certain persons named to open booksi 16. In absence of contract with compa.
for subscription in this state, and al-  ny from owner or agent of any
so, at Memphis,                     and through which said road may
3. Books open for 4 days; if $400.000 are  pass it shall be. presumed that said
subscribed, stockholders to be noti-  lsnd to the width of 100 feet on
fled to meet and organize, and      each side from tie centre of the
elect a board of ditectors.         road, has been granted to said corn-
4. Capital stock S400.000, and may be   pany; owner or agent of such land
increased to $2.000,000; shares $100  may appy within five years for ao
each; share entitles a vote         assessment, failing to apply within
5. Board of direct rs to consist of five  that titie. to le oever barred from
stockholders, who shall choose pre-  recovering said land, or having any
sident from their number and ap-    essessinent thereon.
point secretary, treasurer. &c.  17. Iniruding on said toad without will
6. Directors to hold office 12 months,  of company. forfeits all vehicles
and to fill vacanciesi company have  that may be so intruded; anI per-
exclusive right of transportation:  sons so ittrudmug subject to fine
rates of, li:trges fixed.           and imprisonment upon conviction,
7. Manner of ptying installments, and  16. It aty person shall wilfully hurt,
forfeitures for non-paynient.       damage, destroy, or obstruct said
8. Stock transferble.                 road, such person subject to ir-
9. Company may increase capital stock   prisonrent and fine,and it shall not
either by new subscriptions; or sell-  be competent to give in evidenoe
ing stock, or borrowing money on    that such person was the owner or
credit of company.                  agett of said land when the dam-
10. Board of directors to make annual   age was sustained.
report to general meeting of the  19. Every obstruction of said road a
stockholders.                 t     public nuisance.
11, President and directors to. be citi2 20. Company to establish riles for re-
zens of the U. States antI bona fide  ceiving, storeage, and transporting
owners of stock for 3 months, (ex-  goods.
cept first election ; stockholder to  21. Profits to be divided semi-annually
possess stock at least three months  among the stockholers.
in his own right bifore he votes 22. Road not to impede any road or
at an election. (except the first) -  highway across which it may pass;
12. Votes may be in person or by proxy;1  pa'sing through land of an individ-
each share entitles a vote.   i     nal, Company to provide suitable
13. Company may purehase and hold       wagon way across te road.
any lands, te,:ement5. &c. necessa-, 23. Company shall possess additional
ry for the use of said road.        poweis to carry out the objects of
14. Company my constrnet said road     this charter.
or branches thereof, across or along  24. Charter may be amended by legis-
any public road or highway. provi-'  latere upon petition of president
ded the same is not obstructed by it I  and directors, and obligatory when
15. Company and owners of land dis-I    unanimously adopted by the pres-
agreeing as to value, circuit court  ideom and directors.
of the county in which the land is, 25. President, directors, officers,and ser-
to appoint five commissioners to    vants of company exempt from
vailtue the same; they shall estimate  military duty except in certain Ca-
the damages and the advantages      sas. and from serving onjuries, and
the owner will sustain by the con-  working on roads.
struction of said road, and the ex-  26. Company mey purchase slaves for
cess of loss shall be the valuation.  woi king and keeping road in order..
Either party appealing, court to or- 2. If company dissolve president and

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