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An Act to amend an act decalring who shall be exempt from militia duty in this State. 1863 96 (1863.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0607 and id is 1 raw text is: the Provisionl Aidkfitli ConfIid hito StiA.s.? r'1n1
SEC. 2. Be it /(t; ther , claded, Thitt an   6
mAnauon   'whidh ts howi 6f hyit  oraftetr b' Tri  tb
Ir .   uny1, dbeit'tponi 0(ld5ftate rUiItjajfd G odf6'Mur  bb  l
suppuiod.  bhy          #he   o     i  f d
be, atppliodtb li' XvdjtAM  y'rA       16 1UU ou~i~o ' i
ho inuy direct, fi'oIT 11 br! ihy pdi si k ipi  htitt.1l1
disci-ottiil, decorii 'to :th'o vbdxilitlk   fd
iiumber -of :tibops  ~e~j~ dtid t idfi'bt   aid.
orat.    inilise offa\laftt'a  Olfrl  ? tnidd     nfled
shdesuch itdeb And 116tilaiois  'ilt       6)ibH
arid h6 -WhalU det itt thh Ad tl bhih
neannrs.  the'drafted riston  AlIdaiVetid, fo'ctifdiiltis;
fuilitig, to A1ppOflr itei ofeasbh1l 36ticd,'tb6  iblish~d .
ad 'ari-ested and pi hishe4  d &sarsdir6Acoi V I,
rti-ns bf the iilitaf%1  to or  ' hdri    hn
nOWo an aud. ihto'6oinihnids; bttldiah6kidr gb 1  w Ai
divisions, aO proYided by the fidt    f 1      idM
to furiishi'mbsis tecb and transp oit   t tt  ,I,,es
of renidezvols.. L   2'            0    I   . r 0 1
82.' 3.lBe it fdrtah' efiabidd; Thkt-the Vaifijdth
Orgailzanlon to Piovtideb by thim actf sAll dontili'6V po!'Idnds - Ittff lhib
cons..   thte ini tiaal diitt iti'hotive set- c &.' so,
SEC. 4. Be it further enqcid, Thatlie rejatiifdIl df
IAnk of ilers. officers of th1 samO grado, el6btedl6ii'the Wn6dibddyd hall
be decided by lot, under the direction of the Governor,
and that the rank of oflicersappointed shall be -decided
by the order of their. app ointrqnt. .
Approved December    W168.
No. 113.]             AN ACT
To Amerdan   Actbdeiri' k4ho& oi o        hitfifrom
infliti'a duty.itihis St te, approve ', gust 2S  I 13.'
*SEcrrdI' 1. Be it enacted by the Bdnczdt ddA EdoudNf
rn. etative#f the 8Wttd f labanwf 96 tt 6A
Repeals ST. 2,   oTeR     t o00210 f a, adtcI 0  lti lh
a.      be exenipt fiom knilitia duty in' thin itt  Pi6vdAix
gtidt 20th, 1868 beihd the samain is eb  b   1d
SEC.! i2. Be it fuitheenactediITht  e ers61ib1
to servickth udilitia tiflthiiStt,     hall hkb*
Salt makers.
ak. uh at tei buhelbf oifsalt 'PeiF ditif #hi h d' ifahl
aebust, or on a partlibship a ccouit illf hichAid'p8r-

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