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An Act to incorporate the Cahaba Insurance Company. 1859 190 (1859)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0550 and id is 1 raw text is: visions of this act and the constitution and laws of this
Si-. 15. le it furth r et *ced, That this charter and all
Powers.    the provisions ail powers norein granted shall continue in
full force for the term of fifteen years from its organization
by eletion of officers.
SFc. 16. le it furthcr enacted, That the President or Secre.
President antl tary of said Compaly, hereby incorporated, miust, onl the
secretary.  second .Monday in January in each year, make out under
oath a statement of the condition of said company, showing
the amount of its assets and also of its liabilities on the first
day of January in the sam: year, and shall publish anch
statement so verified in some0 pIaper published in Perry
AiiRoviED, February 25, 1860.
No. 173.]              AN ACT
Tfo Incorporate the Calhaba Insurance Company.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the cnale and House of Iejn'csnt-
atives o/' the State of A labumma in (iecral Assembly convened,
That Joel E. MmAtthews, Alanson Salunarsh, James D. Craig,
Robert S. Hatcher, Edward M. Prime, Samuel M. Hill,
Body corporate, Jol 1 A. Lodor, C. C. Pegues, and their associates he, and
they are hereby constituted a body corporate under the
name and style of the  Cababa Insurance Company, to
be located in the town of Cahaba ; toe amount of the capi-
til stock thereof to be not less than one hundred thousand
dollars, nor more than five hundred thousand dollars, and
to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each.
Six. 2. Ic it further enactd, That'notice shall be'given
for two successive weeks, by advertisement in a newspaper
published in the town of Calhnha, of the time and pilace
when and where subscriptions will he received for stock in
Noticeg enso aid company, nnd books for smusi'iptial shiall ie opened
time and place. under t 0 Inspection and control of tILe sail corporators or
a imjority of them, and the sum of ten dollars on each
share shall be paid in at the time of' subscribing, and the
remainder to be paid at such time and in such maniner as
the Board of Directors, after their election, shall atoermine;
the books to remain open for subscription for twenty (lays,
and no person shall be allowed! to subscribe for more than
one hundred shares in one day, and when the sum of one



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