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An Act to regulate the liability of persons to work on public roads in the county of Franklin. 1847 372 (1847)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0368 and id is 1 raw text is: 372

county or probate court, commissionors of roads and revenue,
millers that grind for toll, teachers and students of schools and
academies, ferrymen and militia .offiors, shall hereaker be com.
polled to work on public roads in the county of Chambers, any
law, usage or cUstom to the contrary notwithatanding.
Approved, Jan, 5, 1848.


[No. 288.]

To regulate the liability of persons to work on public roads in the
county of Franklin.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ilouse of Repro.
sentatives of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly convened,
Who liable.  That fiom and aifter the passage of this act, the ibilowing piersons
shall be liable to work on, clear out and repair the public roads
in the county of Franklin, to.wit: all whito miale persons between
the .ges ofeighteen and forty live yours ofage, and all male slaves
and other persons ofcolor,'over sixtoen and under liflty years ofuge,
unless exempt by some act ofthe General Assenmluly,or son 'actual
or reasonable disability; except licensid miniisters oi the Gospel of
all denominations, post mnasters, teachelrg of comnnun school,
academies and college , who shall be and are hreby declared.
to be, exempt fromn road dirty in said county.
Approved, Feb. 18, 1848.

INo. 289.1


To amend the road lawvs in reference to fMlarengo Cotuity.
Section 1. Ba it enacted by the SePnair and House of Repre.
xentatives oftho State of Alubama, ia Gneral Assomibly convened,
'I )J law replel*. That so much ofthe road-laws now in firmo as roti1Je or pIornut
V  a un as to  overselrs or others to take tinibor against the will of the owner
Alirenign W:'y.  or owne ts thereoh; and as provide fir Ihe paymnit thereof out of
he county treasnr y, except, for t imibher that lnny lie needed for
making or repaiiring ol bnrIdges, he and they are hpreby repealud,
so far as tliry relato to Aarengo counl y.
Sec. 2. Be it further enaelted, 'hit hereafter it shall he the
duty of verseent of the roads in said Alare:.go county, to in-
1 il f vers  prove the foads of which they are overseis resiectively, by diL
ging or making good and smooth ditches on either side of the
sane, and thro ving the earth in the iiddle, so ne to drain said
jmads and make them firn: Provided, however, that such timrnh'r
IenosI,       as may be given without charge, for the use of tie roads, mny be
used by the overseers, in the improvement thereof
A lwrt'i.....' ,  lVr-tr.  I '.  I Q4R.

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