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An Act to change the mode of Assessing and Collecting the Taxes for the Pike County. 1840 68 (1840)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0270 and id is 1 raw text is: 1841.                                 68
[No. so.]                  AN ACT
To amcnd An Act for locating the Seat of Justice of Washington County, and for
other purpuses.
Whereas, at ain election inl the county of Washington, on the
first Moday inl Augutist last, pursnatit to alt act entitled an act to
Preann!c.  locate tIhe seat of' jutstice for Washington county, anid for other
P]ittt10oes, apltoved FbucictarV third, onie thousand eight hiundred
aIcd fory, Carrollton, totw cnllvd iarrytont, otie of the places put
ill imilltitantill 1, the slitrill of said coulity of Wasitington, accord-
ill- to the  rtii(tio~s of said wit, received a maljority of all tile
volts triven inl saiid eoutttty, at said clectiotn; an1d wherc.Us, tie votes
at Satid election wcre nlot cutd iv hIt sherifiii the manner pre-
scribed by t t akid act, ill colun(cIlte wivreof, the couriissioners
noiaed ill said at, have reofusocd to locate the stat of justice at the
place so selcted at the Sit lectili; fir remdy whereof,
Sect io  1. Dr it en,,/ated by tI.Me St   Hou ose (1.1   of iRpresen-
atis ( of the State of ,Il/bana, in General hA.SembI ' 1ly p c ned,
Coni    - ion. 'That tle stid contunttissioniers iamutd inl tIce said nt he, nd tIhey
irsto hon  are  l treb'y  ntlotoriz d  ;1d  reuitircd  to  locat'e the  scnt  of justlice
3entol[justice. t Ca (iroll(onl, or. withilln  ve  mliles therV0of, ill thW  .1,111  11linalter ',S
if the said etlition lad biln hticld nod thl vots colnittd <ttricily inl
plrstiutre of thv :I;( act; atnd thatt they he, and ore  ciely nut-
thori.ed to (lo nod perlflormi :111 tic dutifies and acts requite d of ttli
by\ the s:tid act, as fhlly as if ti said clctioi had beell held aid
Combete(d ill OW moune1r prescr1ibed inl thle :said net.
Se. '2.    bie Ii/i/ jurth/lr enarledl, Tliat all laws and parts of
Repent.   laws, ictravenicic. tile provisions of thisact,be, and the Same aro
hercby rep1wial.
c\plprovcd, .muary 1, 1811.
No. 47.]                 AN   ACT
To chige the 111k if Assessing untd Collecting the Taxes for Pike County.
Section. 1. Il' it enac/rd  t/he &'nak iadlouseof Reirescn-
tt/ivcs of /c S//e of .1/aama in Gene ral .,ssemhly convened,
connisision. Ihat fro(tm and afitlr the pas'e f this act, it shall be the diuty of
erm tPo pilit thle               -tit  ti(OlliSill5        frod, i
judge of' tile tColli Court, and collullilollrS of tt  s mlid
revuite, of Pike cotunty , itt each and every year, by the first day
of May, to coil11111sio  Sonie co111ptelit  Cso ill (atll caphill's
beat, in said county, Iwose ditty it shall he to advertise, inl tie
sanme way and wider the satine rules and instrictions Us are now
prescribed by law, that lie is authorized to assess the taxes of that
Sec. 2. Anl he it further enacted, That it shall ie the ditty of
Listo4taxa. said judge of the comlty court, respctively, to trlwmit to  llc
ble property. of tic persons so colinsissioned otn or iby the first day of' May, a
I1st of all the property subject to taxation, by the laws of this State:
Provis.    Providrl, always, that white poll shall not exceed fifty ceits, and
that a black poll shall be one fourtil more than a white poll.

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