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An Act to provide for the payment of a certain claim, due to the heirs of Darling S. Massey, deceased. 1839 175 (1839)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0247 and id is 1 raw text is: ted to William Cooper, for transporting arms for the use of the troops, Wan ooer
from Montgomery to Irwinton.
Sec. 2. .dnd be it further enacted, That the Comptroller of
Public Accounts draw his warrant upon the Treasurer, in favor of
William Cooper, for the above amount: Provided, That the said Proviso.
William Cooper shall first file his aflidavit, in writing, with the Comp-
troller of Public Accounts, that he has never received payment for
the said service, or any part thereof, either from this State or the
United States.                       Approved, Feb. 5, 1840.
[INo. 157.1               AN ACT
Making an allowance to Jacob llurph, of Aitaugn County.
Section 1. Be it enacted Iy the Senate and House qf trhnesen.
latlives of the State of e0labana in General ..ssemly convened,
That the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, be, and the
same is hereby allowed to said JacobN Murph, as the vnlc of a horse Jacmb Altirph
lost by him in the pursuit of three men charged with the crime of
murder, and absconding from the State; to he paid out of any noney
in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.
Approved, Feb. 3, 140.
[No. 158.]                 AN ACT
To componate IHardin Perkins.
Section 1. Be it enacled by the 5enale and Ilouse qf RepresTen-
latives 0f the 8tael of.4labana in General Assemilhy convened,
'h at whereas additional expen so was incurred, Iand great additional
labor pet formed by Ilardin Perkins, in consequence of his having slar. Perkns
been required its President of the State Bank, to appoint agelts, and
keep up it lengthy correspondence for the purpose of negotiating the
last issue of State Bonds, authorized to he sold for said laink and
each of its Biranches; the sum of five hundred dollars is hereby ap-
propriated for the purpo-e of coijpenszating said Perkins; and the
Comptroller is authorized to draw his warrant aCcordinugly.
Approved, Feb. 5,1 S40.
'No. IV 1                AN ACT
To provide for the lnynati of a certain C!Ilubi, duo tothe hairs of Darling 8. .They.
Whereas, there was, by an act, approved Jine 30, 1S37, the sum
of five hundred dollars appropriated and paid over to Nancy L. Alas-
sey, adminiistratrix of Darling 8. Massey, deceased, purporting to be
olnei half the value of a slave, Clark, exccuted by the sheriff of 11a- Preambl
rengo county; and whereas, it appears from the decree of the Court
under whose sentence the said slave was executed, as well as from
the certificate of the jurors who appraised said slave, that lie was ap-
praised to eleven hundred dollars, and that the Court decreed tie
sum of five hundred and fifty dollars to be paid as one half of the
valuie of said slave; it therefore appears that there is the sum of fifty
dollars yet due said estate: Therefore,



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