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An Act making appropriations for the payment of certain claims against the State of Alabama. 1839 167 (1839)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0246 and id is 1 raw text is: (Anthony) executed under sentence of thellaw; in favor of William
Blythe, former Sheriff of Talladega County, the sum of twenty-six Win-alythe
dollars for making Congressional returns in eighteen hundred, and
thirty-six and eighteen hundred and thirty-seven; in favor of Wil- w P ster-.
liam P. Merriwether, Sheriff of Macon County, the sum of sixty. vether.
four dollars and eighty-five cents, for removing Alfred Abercrombie
from Montgomery County on a change of venue, and making Con-
gressional returns ; in favor of ErasmuslH. Garland; former SheriffnE Garland
of Henry County, the sum of nislety-one dollars and thirty-one cents,
for removing William 13. Thomas and Sampson Word, to and from
Montgomery Jail ; in favor of John F. Nabors, Sheriff of Pickens j V Nabors
County, the sum of one hundred and forty-five dollars and eighty
cents, for removing McGrew and Gerald, to and from Tuscaloosa Jail,
and boarding the same ; in favor of George R. Evans, Register in 0R Evans
Chancery, the sum of thirty dollars and thirty-eight cents, for wri-
ting desk, book case and stationery ; in favor of Solomon Perteete, a Pertoate
the sum of forty-two dollars and seventy-five cents, for repairing and
setting grates and glass in the State House ; in favor of A. R. Thomas, A ltThomas
the sum of ninety dollars, for taking care of the Senate chamber and
clerks rooms ; in favor of William M. Lacy, the sum of one hundred W5u Lucy
and forty-three dollars and sixty-one cents, for candles, wafers, brooms,
&c. for the use of the Senate and House of Representatives ; in fa-
vor of Samud Stephens, Jailor of Franklin County, the sum of one S Stephen,
hundred and fifty-four dollars azmd ten cents, for boarding sundry
persons ; in favor of William Magee, Sheriff of Mobile County, the wa Sipgue
sum of three thousand eight hundred and ninety-two dollars and
twenty cents, for boarding various persons, &r. ; in favor of A. R. A It Thomas
Thomas, the sum of twenty dollars, for illuminating the Capitol ; in
favor of J. Lacy & Co., the sum of nine dollars, for knives and paper. a Laoy & co
See. 2. And be itjurther enacted, That the sum of twenty-eight
dollars and eighty-three cents, be, and the same is hereby appropri-
ated oait of any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated,
and the Comptroller of Public Accounts shall draw his warrant for
the same, in favor of Green P. Rice, President of the Senate, for
postage on documents in relation to the contested election from o P Rie
See. '. And be itfurther enacted, That the further sum of eigh-
ty-six dollars and seventy-five cents, is hereby appropriated, in addi-
tion to the sum named in the first section, to David S. Hutto, Sheriff 1) lutto and
of Henry County and others, for the services therein named.   olliri.
Approved, Feb..3, 1840.
INo. 144]                  AN ACT
Making Appropriations for the payment of certain claims against the State of Alabama
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre-
sentatives of the State of.labama in General .Jsenbly convened,
That the Comptroller of Public Accounts, be, and he is hereby re-
quired to issue his warrants on the Treasurer, in favor of the follow-
ing persons lejrqiuifter specified, to be paid out of any money in the

. 167


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