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An Act to compensate Jane Stevenson for a slave, Fanny, executed by law. 1836 54 (1836)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0203 and id is 1 raw text is: Repeal.      Sc. 3. And-he itf4rther enacted, That all laws and parts of laws, contra-
vening the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Approved, Dec. 20, 1836.
No. 43]                      AN ACT
To entablish a third Regiment in the county of Sumter.
Rtegimental  Section 1. Dc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of
mecrnd Iny the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the commissioned
virregiment. regimental oflicers uf the two regiments in said county, be, and they are here.
by authorised and required to assemble previous to the first day of August
next, at Livingston, in the said county, and to lay ofl the said county into
three regiments, as nearly equal in white population as they can ascertain it;
and the said regimental oflicers shall particularly designate the limits and
boundaries of each of said regiments, and file a copy thereof in the oflice of
the Secretary ofState.
Sec. 2. And he it further enacted, That all militia officers, in said regi.
Militin omcr's ments, now existing in said county, shall continue in office, in the regiments
to continue in and beats to which they may be respectively assigned, by the now organiza.
ofnice.    tion ahove provided for.
Numbers.     Sec. 3. And be it furiher enacted, That the upper or most northwardly
Nbr. regiment in said county, shall he the cighty-second regi. i eat of the militia of
this State ; and the middle end lower regiments in said county, shall be num.
hered as the upper and lower regiments, as herotofore organised, are respect.
tively numbered.                         Approved, Dec. 20, 1836.
No. 41)                      AN ACT
Tro change tme time of holding the Circuit Court in the county of Shelby and fur other
Section 1. Bk it enacted yi the Senate and House of Representatives of
Time.      the State of Alabma in General Assembil convened, That the circuit courts
i61 the county of Shelby, shall hereafter he holden on the third Mondays af.
er the third Mondays in March and September, in each year, instead of the
second Mondnays, as now provided by law.
Sec. 2. And he it furiher enacted, That all writs and other process, made
returnable to said courts, as now provided by law, shall be imade returnable
to said courts, as altered by this act.
Term 3 weeks  Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the circuit courts for the county
ofTuscaloosa, shall be holden fbr three weeks, instead of two, as now provi.
ded by law, unless the business thereof shall sooner be disposed of.
Approved, Dec. 20, 1830,
[No. 45.]                    AN ACT
'to establish the pe'rmnient sent of Juostice of Randolph county.
Section 1. Be it enaclted by the Senate and House ofRepresen-
O/ives ofic theStat qf .labuna in General .dssembly convened,
That the permanent seat of justice, in and for the comnty of Ran-
dolph, in this State be, an I the same is hereby established at the
town of \Vcdlovcc in said county, where the temporlry seat otjus-
tice for said county is now established.
Approved, Doc. 20, 1836.
No. 46.]                     AN ACT
l'o cr ,pensute June Stevenson for a slave, Fanny, executed by law
Section A. le it enacted by the Senate and House oflRepresen-



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