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An Act to incorporate Union Town in the county of Perry. 1836 113 (1836)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0201 and id is 1 raw text is: jil
See. 6. And be itffrther enacted, That the circuit 'ind county
courts, shall continue to le held in the town of Girsid, until sucil
time, aq said commissioners, appointed by this not, fOr that purpose,
shall provide a suitable house at the new Court House Site, selected
by thein under this act, wherein to hold the said courts.'
Sec. 7. ./1nd be itfurtler enacted, That it shall he the dfuty al er qualified.
'he commissioners, appointed under this net, before entering upon
the discharge of the dutics herein assigned them, to tako an oath, be-
fore some person authorised by law to administer oaths, faithfully
and impartially to perform their respective duties us commissioners,
to the best of their skill and ability.
See. 8. qnd be it ftirtAcr enctleld, That in case said commis-
sioners fail to if-t, as provided for by this net, on the first Monday
in February, then and in fat case, they may meet at any subsc-
quent time, in the y'st eghte.gm hundred ntid thirty-seven.
See. 9. And be it further enacted, That in vcace the Ioceeds,
arising from the sale of lots, as provided for in the foregoing sections
of this act, shall fall short of building the Court House and Jail in Lory tax.
said county, then and in that. case, the coinmissioners' court of rev-
enue and roads, shall be anthorised to levy a special iax for that pur-
pose: Provided, the same shall not exceed one hundred per cent.
in any one year, upon the State tax for eighteen hundred noud thirty-
five: ./indprovided/furter. that the said special tax, shall not in the
whole, exceed two thousand dollars.
See. 10. ./nd be itfurther enacted, That all laws contraveningitepeal
the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Approved, Dec. 23, 1836.
INo. 142.]                AN AC '
Vo inrorporate Union Town in the conty of Perry..
Section 1. Be it enucted by the Senate und HIouseqflRepresen-
tatives of the State of./ilbuma in General .dssenby convened,Corporation.
That the village known as Union Town in the county of' Perry, be
and the same is hereby incorporated, and thnt all that territory ly-
ing and being within one quarter of a mile of the square formed by
the crossing of' the two principal streets in said town, and at the
north-east corner of which square, stands the tavern owfned by Da-
vid Fluker, be and the same is hereby declared to be within the
limnits of the same.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That on the first Monday in
March next, and in each and every year thereafter, an election by Electionto be
ballot for five councillors, resident, land or house holders, shall be holden.
held at some convenient and public place in .aid toin, who shall
serve for the term of one year after thev shall have been elected;
the first election shall be held and manaeL ;Thy William Hood, John
Werash, David Fluker, Jamcs A. Mosely Ind William J. McKerall,
or any two of them, and all subsequent elections shall b6 held by
two of the councillors, to be appointed by the board for that pur-
pose, ai'd the said councillors so elected, shall on the next day after
such election, in each and every year,.meet aiud elheby a majority
. IS

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