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An Act to authorize the Judge of the county court of the county of Franklin, and Commissioners of Roads and Revenue, to allow compensation to certain persons therein named. 1835 110 (1835)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0196 and id is 1 raw text is: 1893I1.                               110
and moneys that may be in said hank, arising from the sale of six-
tecutih sections in the counties, in the first section of this act mentioned
to the president and directors of the branch bank at Montgomery.
tFind- how  Sic. :. And be itfurither enacted, That the funds arising from the
q hmi sale of the lands aforesaid, shall he vested in the stock of said branch
loaued.   hanik, and shall he loaned to the citizens of the several townships from
which they may have arisen, and shall be retained for that purpose un-
til the fifteenth day of February in each and every year, 'and if' not
applied for by that time by the citizens of said townships, thi same shall
ceririente onr be disposed ofr as othuer funds of said branch bank.
cashier vnld  Six 4. And be it further eonacted, That the certifieate of the cash-
ier of said branch hank shall be valid to all irtents and purposes, as
though it were male by the cashier of the hank of the State of Alabama,
towards obtailing a patent when full payment shall have been made.
Ri.pcnL     S4c. 5. .dnd be it further enacled, That all laws and parts of laws
contravening the provisions of this act be, and the same are hereby re-
pealed.                                   Approved, Jlan. 9, 1836.
No. 10-.]                    AN ACT
To alth'r~?  the .Judbez.r oIte u.nIlty court or the enuntv of Frantlin, and Commissioners of
kuadd und Rtevueii , to niv collpetnqatioi to certain  ern.  thereii named.
Sec. 1. 1le it enaded bA the Senale ind Iouse of Representutives
qf the NMate qf A/ubina in General Assenib/y convened, That the
judge of the county court of the county of Franklin, together widi the
:ommissioners of roads and revenue, are hereby anuthorised to make suel
n allowince as t hey may think reasonable and right, to Gregory D.
Stone, M ittin W. Guy and Michael DiAkson. for services rendered a
judge of the court, sherill'and clerk, at the trial of certain slaves, charged
with the murder of Harve'y L. Gholkm, in the coun'ty of Franklin, to be
paid out of any money in the county treasury, not otherwise appropria-
led.                                   Approved, Jan. 9, 183G.
)No. 108)                    AN ACT
Todtw ide I b  tiveity.frril tegimenti of'Ab sipt,: Militi li the enunty of H!enry.
Sc-. i. le i/ enacted by the Senate and  tiii.ve of Representative*
imlen (the Sitate q/Aluburina, in (G en  Assembly con vened, That from
and after the pa.mage of this act, the twenty-fifth Reginent of Alabama
Militia, be, aud [he same is herehy divided and shall hereafter form two
Regimens in the following manner, to wit: ill that part of the twenty
fifth Regiment swith of the Yatta Abby Creck, shall constitute and form
one Reriment in be known as the seventy-seventh Regiment.
SEc. 2. And be it firther enicted, That the dividing line between
the twenty-lifih and seventy-seventh Regiment shall commence at the
Bouminry of junction of the Yatta Abby creek withli the Chatahooche river, thence
regnuente.  running iiup said criek and continuing the most southering prong, known
as the ward creek, thence due vest to the )ale county line.
Src. 3. And be itfurthcr cnacted, That all commissioned offlicers,
shall hold their respective commissions in either of their Regiments to
comniss'ra. vhich they may properly belong.
SEc. 4. .Aqnd be it further en lc/ed, That the Colonel Commanding
the twenty-fifth Regiment shall convene the commissioned olicers of
Itegimenirt each Regiment, giving at least ten days notice of the time and place, near
how ccrnen'd the centre of their respcctive Reginents, and the commissioned officers
so convened, shall proceed to divide their respective Regiments into
13attallions and companies in accordance with tke militin law.

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