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An Act to incorporate the Mobile and Cedar Point Rail Road Company. 1834 81 (1834)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0181 and id is 1 raw text is: 81                             1835
[No. 75)                AN ACT
'le incorporate the Mobile and Cedar Point Rail Road Company.
Section 1. le it enacted by the Senate and H1o use of Re-
presentatives of the State of .labana in General .Yssenbly
convenedf, That the persons, who may become stockholders in
theMobile and Cedar Point Rail Road Company, according to
the provisions of this act, shall be, and they are hereby created
a corporation and body politic, by the name and style of the
President and Directors of the Mobile and Cedar Point Rail Incorporation
Road Company, and by that name shall be, and are hereby and powereof
made able and capable in iAw, to have, purchase, receive, pos- CompaY.
sess, enjoy, and realize to them and their successors and assigns,
lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels, and ef-
fects, of whatsoever kind, nature or quality, in any amount,not
exceeding in the whole, seven hundred and fifty thousand dol-
lars, including the capital stock of the said company; and the
same to sell, grant, iemise, alien, lease, or dispose of, to sue
and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered,
defend and be defended, in all courts having competent juris-
diction; and also to make, have, and usc'a common seal, and the
same to break, alter and renew at pleasure; and also to ordain,
establish, and put in execution such bye-laws, ordinances, and
resolutions, as tly shall deem necessary and convenient, for
the good government of said corporation, not being contrary
to the constitution, or to the laws of this State, or of the United
States, and generally to do and to execute all and singular, the
acts, matters and things which to them, it shall or may apper-
tain to do, subject nevertheless, to the rules, restrictions, limi-
tations, and provisions hereainfter prescribed and declared.
See. 2. And be it further enactccd, That Alexis D. Du-
rand, Henry Chamberlain, Joseph Ireps, M\1. D. Eslava, A. H-.
Gazzam, Philip McLoskey, John K. Collins, John F. Everitt,
II. Goldthwait, W. R. Iallet, William H. Robertson, A. W. commlision.
Gordon, and James Innerarity, be, and they are hereby appoin- era, their da-
ted commissioners, any seven of whom shall he competent to
act, and to do all business necessary to be done by virtue of this
act of incorporation, and under the direction of a majority of
whom, subscriptions may be received to the capital stock, of
the Mobile and Cedar Point Rail Road Company; and they
shall from time to time cause books to be opened in the city of
Mobile, and at such other places as they may think proper, for
the purpose of receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of
said company, until not less than five hundred shares he sub-
scribed, and shall give public notice, not less than than thirty
(lays, of the time and place oi opening said books, and the sub-
scribers thereto shall p'my to tie slid commissioners, at the time
of subscribing, the sum of five dollars' on each and every share
of stock thus subscribed for, which the said commissioners shall

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