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An Act to establish and incorporate the Town of North Tuscaloosa, in the County of Tuscaloosa. 1832-1833 88 (1832)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0165 and id is 1 raw text is: Slie deemed necessary, to appoint suitable comlmissioners to inspect
tet smnit:lo  of the bridtge, atid if a majot itl of hem  shll re-
port that Paid bridge is not in giod order and fit for passengers,
the court shall have power to suspend the collection of toll, utiUl
said (iridge shall be put in oold re air.
P   Approved, January j, 1833.
To i-Antlsli and Inopdrdtle the Town of North Tusealoonn, in the Coutity of
*     iniJc               Tio soltan.
41 tion 1. Be it esacted by t/e .enale and Hoiuse (if Repre.
seitutives qf the State qf dlabama in General .4.%semh/d!
floundnritsof con i'ened, That all tit tract of land contained in the following
vald town.  boundaries: Commencing oin the north bank of the Black l
rior river, at the month of the first branch below Marr's ferry;
thenec in a direct line to John Matthews'; thence in an eastern,
direction to the head of the first bratich; thence dowin said branch
to its mouth; and from thence down the Black Warrior river to
the place of beginning, shall hereafter constitute a town, to he
known and designated a the town of North 'Ps'loosn, and the
inhabitants residing within the same are hereby i ncurporated.
CommIS-ion-  Sce. 2. .1ind he it further enacted, That an election shall I e
arm to  I    .d  the fir . MISalrdi  in Pobrinry next, at the tavern ot .1ohn
ted, wtwi.. I4'..i o
Chiql'm. in sai low-n, to com1mence at ten o'elnek, A. Nl. and close
at three o'clock,, P. M , a .1 on the same <IaI ii each stice r g
year, at sucrh j)piae within the said town, ns the preuit all
coimmissioners thered, for the time being, may by their ordi-
n:.nen ch-signntie. for the purpose of electing by hullot, t.ye conm-
mnissionc-rs, inhlinitants of said town, over the agc of twentY-nirP
3 es. for the pmrpose of crri ing into execution the provi ilons
of thin: act: And tIji etminissloners so elected. on the sieceeling
Ni Uay, shall meet and choose' from a mong Ih.-ir on, i bu  . a
president; and the anid prs.i lent and colnmissiolers are her'by
co.stituted a body corporalw, b% the unmie 3si Ile of the Iresi-
style of car- ICnt :i conuii-5,3'ri;oh the lown (f North Tuse-1'mosn, and by
parwnteu.  t hat nime, t hey and iln ir s iecessors in ofice, shall be cipubh. hI'
Theirpowrs. l;w of suing nowl hu:ng smi d. of plending and being imiplemied,
in all niner of etlions, whother in law or equit y; and also of
do nii :1 il1 nels  that ar. in'i leit to  hoirdis  corporite.
Who   sholl  Se. 3. Anl be itfthi-ler enacted. That thu first election uns
runiadet said
cI'vlouti.  der this net. shall ei had under the direction of' Charb-s SiIow,
All  subse- .bol II. Whi'O  Mi iniCe 1-'iomini,: And nil suibseiuient telec-
q. 't  h.w t ion shall he held by all\ t\ o of' the hontd of tanlnmissioners, or
conducted.  of the presidleit ::nd . anY one of ill' commissioners. lls for tht pu'-
polse ml be appiiinted by the board.
or fuutiner  Ser. 4. And be ifurther enacted, That in all enses tint herein
a..l,,&.      provled for, the suil presitIct and onniissioners shall possese
the swme powers8, elj tiihe Same privilegt:es, aind be subject to like
responsibaiiitites. as are roiferred by an aet entitled on act to in-
corporate Ihe town of Twenloosm, passed December 13, 1819.
f1wars as to  See. 5. And be itfui/her enacted, That in addition to other
powers by the ubIh 'ove revital act granted. snid president and com-
rnissioners shall hive power to levy and caise to he collected a poll
tax of fifty cents on eanch free white nole inhabitant, bect.ween
the age of twenty-one anIl forty-five years, and on each free per-

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