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An Act to authorize guardians to bring the slaves of their wards into this state without restriction. 1828 70 (1828)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0122 and id is 1 raw text is: 1820.


vide the militia of the county aforesaid, as nearly an  may
Decision  > be, into two equal regiments, regarditngpniiblic con cilence,
and such divihion shall be recorded in the respective regi-
mental hooks by the judge advocates, and the line so made
and designated shall be the line between the seventeenth
and eighteenth regiments, and the oflicers of one of the re-
giments, by said line attached to the other, shall be oflicvrs
of the like I anlk in the regiment to which they may he at-
tached, when it may Not he incompatible with the authori-
Militia of ty or rank of any other oflicer or officers.
Perry  and   Sec. 10  And be it furthcr enacted, That the militia of
11 61) to
form 14to Perry and 13ibb counties shall coinpoze one brigade, to be
br4 iale called the fourteenth brigade.
taj. Gni't  Sec. 11. And be it further eiacted, That it shall be the
t  n I duty of the major general of the third division to cnuse ass
lection foi election to be holden for brigadier general. who shall pro-
brigadi .r of ced to organize said brigade.  \pproved, JAnuavry 29, 1829.
4th regin't
Toalivw additional compensation to Nt. D. Wiiins and ohn T). Ter.
rell for their services as Commissioners to close the unsettled accounto
between the Stutes of Alabama tand Mississippi.
Sftion I. Pe it enturmid by the Scante and House of Represen.
tativR of the State of Alabuma in, General Assembiy convened,
Thu the Coin ptn1 il r of Public Acconuts, be ail ht is hereby re-
q   viid, to issiiv his wanats,on thW Trevsurer in favouir Of Al rmn-
k' Wiiinisod Joi I). Tirreil, for the samn (f thirty-six dol-
Iars each, in additioi, to the som of lne hundred and sixty-Ifiir dol-
I;rs heretoore nilwimv.1 thin by tihe Legisintnre, as a filt I her con-
sidieration. ind inl hll for uiaeir servies. i Con)naissonvrs, on the
parl t this state.              Approved, Anury 29, 1829.
To nmend in part Ihe 4th section of an nat passed at the Inst General
Assembly uppointing connissioners for Dole county and for other pur-
Section 1. lie it enactied by the Senate and House of Rfeprrsen-
ttives (f the State of Alabayna in Gner;al .sembljy ennvened,
That so imirb oftie f-i-th selion of the 1v-ei1 pinsmed it the, Insi Gvit.
Repenl    eral Asseml' as nithurizvis the cirvnit coti of ile coity in) hle
livid at he hiol coirt house of, formerly, Henry county be, and the
same is hereby repenivd.
Cir. court   Sec. 2. And be it further enaiCld, iiiit fonn and after the pas.
of Dale   sagp  this n at, thy virctuit courtso1 Do I cout sI h hii t   thev  e vi .vt tile
where held house of Creede Collins.         Approved, Januar 26, 1829.
To authorize guardians to bring the slaves of their wards into this state
k'      without restriction.
Section 1. lleit enacted by the Senate and House of Reprearn.
tatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened,
Thia from id vfter the pussage of thisu act, it shali be lawful for anyli
gaarditn, resident of this state, to bring into this state the th.ves
beliging to his or her word,and to hire the same ant fur the b-nvfit
of his or her ward, ny Ilaw to the i  contrary tu wit hstandia  : Pro.
Proviso   vided nCverthele8s, I it the said Lu ardian comply with the r-qui-
sitions of the existing laws on the subject of gill Iiiii ns an i wavi s.,
Approved, January 22, 1829,

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