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An Act making appropriations for certain Claims against the State. 1828 72 (1828)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0121 and id is 1 raw text is: 1828.                                  172
%1         and Iarsons b1rew'erfsini Fnyette couintv,ediscontinued, and in li'e
Payette    thereof, 1n election precintt established nt the hous of ienjamin
I'inlgtonis, nilso Ohe lection precinct heretofore eaitiblished iii the
houses of Gri f Johnson, Willimii N. Sirnng and Josiah Ilixes f
s5id county be discotiinued,and in lHiu ilreof, oie at the house of
iance ICii ni, George iterry's Mill naul Ri'nben Cook.
See. 5, And b.) it further einacted, Thil an dditionni e!ection
Eawrence   prcilel be aild the sinil is hereby established nt Villinn G. Lin-
thecumn's store, in the cunnty of Lawrence ; and the precinct here-
tuioe est)ablished ut Samuel Elliit's in said county is hereby dis,
Sec. 6. And be it farther enacted, That ain unditional eltion
preclict be estublished in the coniiy of Wilcox, at lie llous oilf'
Wilcox     Stplien Day ; and that thle precinct hi'ietoifie established at illu
houise' of \Villialn Stubbliield, he anid the sione is hereby discotinu-
ed, and ih1 in lien iiiithreof an election ilecinct be ind is hereby es.
tablished nit the housie of' Samuel  ,. Untking, inl Haiti county.
At lteve's,  Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That iih elctiin precinct
in  re   i, at i lie honse TfC 'Fhumas Reives, in the county of Greene, be ud thIe
discontin'd saime is herelyi discontinued.
Sec. 8. And be it further enarted, Thait lith elecion precinct
herietoiire establiihed at the house of John Davison, in (he  untlly
Pickens    oickinsbl and thl saime is hiereby discontinuned,nid b 111n1fil electin
precinct be aind the same is hereby established lit the house of Sol.
onu eninitt in said coity,
Soc. 9. 4nd be it further enarted, That the eletion precinct
heret'ofore established lit the house of John) Collier, inl the countyv of
Washingtshingth      int, bi ant i the sitre is herey idiscontinuied, find ae in lio
thereof le rild the same is hereby e!'tablished at fithe house ofRob.-
erl Hiwlinig, senlior, inl ,aid county.
Ser. 10.  fnd be it ftrth'r nacted, 'hat  e ehlection pIecinct
.ickson   he ret fre esthiblished lIt Dioyal's mill, in Jickson county, he hereby
dis'coitilled, aind 11h1 inl livu threof olne be estublishlil ill the town
ofh IUnliver ill sid coity.
Svc. 11. And be it farther enacted, Thal in  election precict
Ialdwin    t and is hereby established at thi lius  coiminly known ais
sIholoim McKinies, near the mouth of Bon Secuur liver, in th e
coity of Bldwin.
Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That tle election precinct
'Fuscalodsa it lilt hollse OJoseph liolillock 1w discoominned, find that one in lies
tilrol'f he established ait the dwelling hom' oh Msos Denmen, tLFq.
in Tuscloosa comity.     '        Approved, January 22, 1829.
Making appropriations for certain Clahis igainst the State.
Stction I. Ie it enacted by me Senate rind Hiouse offleprrwsn.
ti~iesrif the State of ./labama in General .sacmnbly coinied,
That the follwing sums be and the same are hereby a pprnprited for
~p.propria- the.w payment of certain persons herlin naimei, fir funihinig provi-
11 tora siions A* prisoners nofined in fi1he jails( of their respective colnies,
,..Itrris to Witl: To Joel D. Unrrils, jailer of Unwrence county, twvo huh-
A.Itedus   drid and iivnll twn-sevcn dollars and sixty cents; to Aton Reilis,
jaillr of' Limestone enunty, one hundired und nineteen dollars and
.7.Yates   sixty cents ; Jo J1iones Yules, j iler ifGreene couony, four hulrdii
El. Abbott ml iwtiiy-six dIolines; to Eli Abbott,. jaileir of Autgi counlity,
8 E. Hari- otit llh: 'dii an'id vidily.v-four dollar'; ; to Si'tling E. lrisonijAiler
Or, oI W       lls cou.ry, sixteen doilrs nfill eighty cents, to John Dickey?

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