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An Act to authorize Celia Burgess, a free woman of colour, to emancipate her daughter Fanny. 1828 93 (1828)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0108 and id is 1 raw text is: Perteot shall enter into bnd, in good and sufficient securi-
tv, mide pavable to the Governr few thti  being .I'd his on Cl er
sltecessors in office, in the sun of twelve hundred d Hir,   tond
to be appi oved of by the judge of the county court of Tus-
ciodooa counTy ; ani also, the sAd Zadock Love in a shini-
lar oond. of the sam e amount, conditioned, in ench  ise,
that the slaves, by this act emancipted, shall never become
chargeabl to the state of Alabama, or any county, cit., or
town thereof.                 Approved, Jniary 14, 18.,
Tn sucoI~ora Za1charlish IIiul~y to (11ancipa~llt ecrin slaves iterei nameid,
I f;  lie it ernactedh the o'enate andl House of Rpren-
tatihs of I he State uif Alaboma in (Ineral Axiinbiy emenied.
Thit Zachariah Holly be, and he is hereby authorized and tlo.ia, Net.
empowered to emantipate and foever free fion, slavery  &   
and bondage certain sla es, to wit: Maria, Nelly, and Nel-
ly's two children, Mat !a and Nelon, and their offspring,
the property of said Zadhariah Holly, so soon as he shall
hil e executed to the judge of the county court of Perry nnd to be
rounty and his successors in office, a bond with sufficient given
sevcuity , to be appro, ed of by said judge, conditioned that
said sla es sh'll not become chargeable to the State of Ala-
bama or any county or town therein: Provided, That noth.
ing herein contained shall be so construed as to prejudice
the creditors of said Zachariah Holly.
Approved, Janucry 16, 1829.
To change the oame of, and legitimate a certain person therein namined.
Sectim I . le it enactefid by the Senate and loise f lf Repreih-.
ltates of Ii State of .1/ab,,na in General A iembly cowvened,
That John Preston Farrar, the natural child of Elias E. J. 1. Parror
byrn, be and the same i' hereby legitimated, and made ca- gitinat'd
puble in law of inheriting the estate of the said ElIns E.
Byrn in as full and ample a manner as if tile said John
Preston Farrar had been born in lawful wedlock.
Sic. 2 Andhe itfirther enacted, That the name ofsaid Name chan.
John Preston Farrar shall hereafter be called and known e to Dy rIl
by the name of John Preaton Byrn.
Approved, January 29, 1829.
To authorize Celia llurgess a free woman of colour to emancipate her
daughter Faruny.
Section 1. 13e it enactedby th' Senate and 1House of Urepresen-
totiveS of ehe State of Alabama.in Ceneral dsgimblu convened,
That Celia Burgess, a free woman of colour, of the coul ty
of Tuscaloa, be, and she is hereby authorizrd to emanci-
pate acertain female slave by the name of Fanny, daghter
of said Celia, upon condition that said Celia Burgess shall
execite to the judge of the county court of Tuscaloosa
county and his successors in office, bond with approved se-
curity in the sun of one thousand dollars, conditioned that
aqid slavc Fany shall never beconi  a public charge to the

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