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An Act, to repeal in part, and amend an act, entitled an act, respecting slaves. 1827 52 (1827)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0103 and id is 1 raw text is: * ,,

AN ACT, providing for the election ojf a Sheriff in Blouit
county; and for other purposes.
SEcrjoN 1.   Be it enacted by the Senate and 17ouse of Rec.
flow sheufr presentatives of the State of .1labama.in General .8ssemblycon
t be el(ctud veni. That it shIall be tihe (duty of' the Sheriffof Blouit coun-
ill comity of,
1'1mliy.  ty. at the general election to he holde'n on the first Mondaly in
Time of con. August next. to open the polls for the election of a Sheriff of
tinance inl said county of lfount. and the persoi having the highest linun-
iffice.   ber of' votesshall be elected Sheriff of said county of Bloiut
for three years, from the first (lay offein'uary next, en:uing
act, passed Ils electionu.
in Dec. 1822  Sra, 2. .nd be it further cnacted, That an act, passed the
rJeua'e to  28th day of December. 1 22, entitled ' ani act. pro% iding for
clionio  the election of' Sherilf in certain cases, anl(d for o(ithr purposes
mount co. he repealed so far as relates to the county of Bloint.
repelcd.                         Approved, January 18Ith, 1828.
AN ACT, to repeal in part, and a t.:d an ct, emitted an act, respecCng
slaves, pass, d March 6th, 1 8DJ
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the ceate and Ilmsc of Representa-
so mo-11 or lives of the State of .01abama, iii General .ssenthly conveied,
1th ai .. That so much of' the twelfth section of the abov'e recited act,
orant ofr  ts reqttiies the owners or o0ersee's of runaw ay slaves. to give
respecting  to the nearest justice of the peace. the name, with a descrip-
Sesal  c. tion of' the person of such r,uaway slave, within tenl days af-
ter such slaves dhall have absented him. or hersell' ft ou the.
service of his, or her owner, or overseer; and on failure of
such owner or overseer to give the information as required,
such owner or overseer shall forfeit and pay the suin of' oae
dollar f'or each day that such information shall be omitted,
be, and the same is hereby repealed.
.Approved, January I 12, I 828.
AN ACT. to emanlipaie certain persons therein mentioned.
WHEREAS, it is represented to the General Assembly by
the memorial of divers respectable inhabitants of' the City of
M obile. that sundry persons of color, descendants of the an-
cient Creole population of that place. NNhose owicrs have pe-
titioned for their emancipation, are honet, iidustrioi  and
Frearable. Tvell disposed peole; and t hat the ('mantitci)atiOnt of said pIer-
seons of color woul not he injlul  ' ious to society but would pro-
mnote. the welfare of' the individuals concerned. And whervas,
it also appears to the General Asscubly, that this des ription
of personsure nicasurabij protecled by the third article of the
treaty betw een the United States and the Fremch Republic,
connonly called the Lotuisiana treat y: ThereFre;
S cc. 1. He it enacted b'l the .Sena e and House of lepresc.
C. Iassano tatives of ie State of .11abama, in Gecrol .Assembly convened,
cmanciputed ''lat tile colored man Charhs Passiano. the prope ty of
rights of cr's. Francis Passianio, of Mobile county. he, and he is hemby
not affleted. emancipated and forever freed friom slavery andl hondage;
Pond to Oe  avimng, however. the rights of creditors and on the express
ecuted.  condition; that ile said Francis Vassiano, enter into hnd with

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