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An Act to emancipate certain slaves therein named. 1826 107 (1826)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0077 and id is 1 raw text is: 107         .
AN ACT to ennmcipate certain slaves therein named.
SEc. 1. Be it cnacted by the Senate and House of lepresen-
twives of the State oj .dlabamna, in General Assembly convened,
That the colored woman ,lave mined Nai cy, and her fiur Nancy ML
children, named GertrudlC, Frai %iut Catheliile, and F0otiI twr roar-ehil-
the property of Dazile Chastuwig, of the county of Mobile. ptIe.  .
lie and they ;re hercby emnancipated, aid forevct freed firein
slavery and hondage; saviig however the ritis of creditors;
and on the express condition that the stid Unzile Chastanig
enter into houd with security, in the permad sons of two thou-  nd to.bc
sand dollars, to be approved by the judge ol the county court  .
of Mobile countv. made payable to the Goveror for the time
being, and his successors in otlice, to he filed in tle ofilce of
the clerk of the said county court, codit ioned that the aid
rolored woman slave muined Nacy,am'd her said four chil.
dren, named Gertrude2, iFiancois, Catierinc and Fostin, shall
not become a public charge to the state, or to any county,
city or town thercof.         APriovED Jan. 11, L'7.
AN ACT to chwiyi the name, and rendrl;eitimuto certain persons thereii
Sz. 1. B: it cnacted by (lie Scuate and Ilotse of Represen-
tativ'sa of-the state.ofsallaiana, -in gni-ert assembly conwened, .
That from and after thc p  -ag of this act, Polly Steanl, Ju- porll, ,tcn&k
lus Cxesar Steam, the natural children of Elizabieth Ernest, Juli'o Cie.ar
li'merly Elizaicth Steun, wivhio-c puitative faither is hon stea cdei-
Ernest, are rendered legitimate iehir of the said Elizabeth a:::1  ca.iig-
and Lom Ernest, in the same namner, and entitled to the ca to rusic.
same lawful righti, as if they had been Lori in hiwful wed-
lock: and that the said Poll;' Stean and Julius Cwsnt Stean
shall hereniler he km.own in law bv te mines of Polly Ernest
and Jaliau Cesar Ernecst.      A-cov    Dec. ; , 1 'G.
AN ACT to authorizinz the nhnii;trior af W.n. 3%licter, deceased, to
tr  ii  trt eldt  th n  itine.
Whereas the cee tilicate fo. the norith-eat e ':.rter rection of
No 17. range .5, township 0. west of the meridian. was k i.ed
by nistake to William leAlistcr; a.d wherca ITh said lWi
im   tcAliater, hisd lparted1k itlih without transferrint
the same to John lusell. the individual by whom the money
wa.- paid, and to whorn the c:'rtificate shoulid have issueid,
an1d there' is no law enpow erii, the admiinistrator of said
Wjilliam MIAlAiliter, to inudke said tran-fer. -, he is rea:dy and
willin, and as justice and equity requires hinm to do.
SEC. 1. Be it bhenfir r   ' y thc S-,--te and F're o7
Repuiu. reenl~tatie  ,f e'  **1/e ao .h bo r:,  n 'a   / .. );M-'i.
mureIw-1. That Daniel J. MAlli:ter, adnhiuitrator of Wit.
liam :c Allister, decea;'d, be and he is here by, authorized
and empowered to tLranfer -.id certiiicate to John Russell or
h1i legal representatives, upon a salisthclory showintg, to he
approved of by the judge of the orpha is court of Lawreice
county, that he is equiitalbly entiled to the bcnehit ofthe saie.
Arenpovrn.11ar.  1,9611.

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